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public function DisplayTest::testLinkDisplay in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/views_ui/tests/src/Functional/DisplayTest.php \Drupal\Tests\views_ui\Functional\DisplayTest::testLinkDisplay()
  2. 10 core/modules/views_ui/tests/src/Functional/DisplayTest.php \Drupal\Tests\views_ui\Functional\DisplayTest::testLinkDisplay()

Tests the link-display setting.


core/modules/views_ui/tests/src/Functional/DisplayTest.php, line 151


Tests the display UI.




public function testLinkDisplay() {

  // Test setting the link display in the UI form.
  $path = 'admin/structure/views/view/test_display/edit/block_1';
  $link_display_path = 'admin/structure/views/nojs/display/test_display/block_1/link_display';

  // Test the link text displays 'None' and not 'Block 1'
  $result = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@href, :path)]", [
    ':path' => $link_display_path,
    ->getHtml(), t('None'), 'Make sure that the link option summary shows "None" by default.');

  // Test the default radio option on the link display form.
    ->drupalPostForm($link_display_path, [
    'link_display' => 'page_1',
  ], t('Apply'));

  // The form redirects to the master display.
  $result = $this
    ->xpath("//a[contains(@href, :path)]", [
    ':path' => $link_display_path,
    ->getHtml(), 'Page', 'Make sure that the link option summary shows the right linked display.');
    ->drupalPostForm($link_display_path, [
    'link_display' => 'custom_url',
    'link_url' => 'a-custom-url',
  ], t('Apply'));

  // The form redirects to the master display.
    ->linkExists(t('Custom URL'), 0, 'The link option has custom URL as summary.');

  // Test the default link_url value for new display
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Add Block'));
    ->clickLink(t('Custom URL'));
    ->assertFieldByName('link_url', 'a-custom-url');