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tour.tour.views-ui.yml in Drupal 9



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - views_ui
  6. id: views-ui
  7. label: 'View edit page'
  8. module: views_ui
  9. routes:
  10. -
  11. route_name: entity.view.edit_form
  12. -
  13. route_name: entity.view.edit_display_form
  14. tips:
  15. views-main:
  16. id: views-main
  17. plugin: text
  18. label: 'Manage view settings'
  19. body: 'View or edit the configuration.'
  20. weight: 1
  21. views-ui-displays:
  22. id: views-ui-displays
  23. plugin: text
  24. label: 'Displays in this view'
  25. body: 'A display is a way of outputting the results, e.g., as a page or a block. A view can contain multiple displays, which are listed here. The active display is highlighted.'
  26. weight: 2
  27. selector: '#views-display-top'
  28. views-ui-view-admin:
  29. id: views-ui-view-admin
  30. plugin: text
  31. label: 'View administration'
  32. body: 'Perform administrative tasks, including adding a description and creating a clone. Click the drop-down button to view the available options.'
  33. weight: 3
  34. position: right
  35. selector: '#views-display-extra-actions'
  36. views-ui-format:
  37. id: views-ui-format
  38. plugin: text
  39. label: 'Output format'
  40. body: 'Choose how to output results. E.g., choose <em>Content</em> to output each item completely, using your configured display settings. Or choose <em>Fields</em>, which allows you to output only specific fields for each result. Additional formats can be added by installing modules to <em>extend</em> Drupal''s base functionality.'
  41. weight: 4
  42. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.format'
  43. views-ui-fields:
  44. id: views-ui-fields
  45. plugin: text
  46. label: Fields
  47. body: 'If this view uses fields, they are listed here. You can click on a field to configure it.'
  48. weight: 5
  49. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.field'
  50. views-ui-filter:
  51. id: views-ui-filter
  52. plugin: text
  53. label: 'Filter your view'
  54. body: 'Add filters to limit the results in the output. E.g., to only show content that is <em>published</em>, you would add a filter for <em>Published</em> and select <em>Yes</em>.'
  55. weight: 6
  56. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter'
  57. views-ui-filter-operations:
  58. id: views-ui-filter-operations
  59. plugin: text
  60. label: 'Filter actions'
  61. body: 'Add, rearrange or remove filters.'
  62. weight: 7
  63. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter .dropbutton-widget'
  64. views-ui-sorts:
  65. id: views-ui-sorts
  66. plugin: text
  67. label: 'Sort Criteria'
  68. body: 'Control the order in which the results are output. Click on an active sort rule to configure it.'
  69. weight: 8
  70. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort'
  71. views-ui-sorts-operations:
  72. id: views-ui-sorts-operations
  73. plugin: text
  74. label: 'Sort actions'
  75. body: 'Add, rearrange or remove sorting rules.'
  76. weight: 9
  77. selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort .dropbutton-widget'
  78. views-ui-preview:
  79. id: views-ui-preview
  80. plugin: text
  81. label: Preview
  82. body: 'Show a preview of the view output.'
  83. weight: 10
  84. position: right
  85. selector: '#preview-submit'