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public function UserRoleAdminTest::testRoleAdministration in Drupal 8

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  1. 9 core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserRoleAdminTest.php \Drupal\Tests\user\Functional\UserRoleAdminTest::testRoleAdministration()

Test adding, renaming and deleting roles.


core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserRoleAdminTest.php, line 50


Tests adding, editing and deleting user roles and changing role weights.




public function testRoleAdministration() {
  $default_langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()

  // Test presence of tab.
  $tabs = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[@class=:classes and //a[contains(., :text)]]', [
    ':classes' => 'tabs primary',
    ':text' => 'Roles',
    ->assertCount(1, $tabs, 'Found roles tab');

  // Test adding a role. (In doing so, we use a role name that happens to
  // correspond to an integer, to test that the role administration pages
  // correctly distinguish between role names and IDs.)
  $role_name = '123';
  $edit = [
    'label' => $role_name,
    'id' => $role_name,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/people/roles/add', $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertRaw(t('Role %label has been added.', [
    '%label' => 123,
  $role = Role::load($role_name);

  // Check that the role was created in site default language.
    ->getId(), $default_langcode);

  // Try adding a duplicate role.
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/people/roles/add', $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The machine-readable name is already in use. It must be unique.'), 'Duplicate role warning displayed.');

  // Test renaming a role.
  $role_name = '456';
  $edit = [
    'label' => $role_name,
    ->drupalPostForm("admin/people/roles/manage/{$role->id()}", $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertRaw(t('Role %label has been updated.', [
    '%label' => $role_name,
  $new_role = Role::load($role
    ->label(), $role_name, 'The role name has been successfully changed.');

  // Test deleting a role.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Delete'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The role %label has been deleted.', [
    '%label' => $role_name,
    ->assertNoLinkByHref("admin/people/roles/manage/{$role->id()}", 'Role edit link removed.');
    ->id()), 'A deleted role can no longer be loaded.');

  // Make sure that the system-defined roles can be edited via the user
  // interface.
    ->drupalGet('admin/people/roles/manage/' . RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID);
    ->assertNoText(t('Delete role'), 'Delete button for the anonymous role is not present.');
    ->drupalGet('admin/people/roles/manage/' . RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID);
    ->assertNoText(t('Delete role'), 'Delete button for the authenticated role is not present.');