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public function TourViewBuilder::viewMultiple in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/tour/src/TourViewBuilder.php \Drupal\tour\TourViewBuilder::viewMultiple()

Builds the render array for the provided entities.


array $entities: An array of entities implementing EntityInterface to view.

string $view_mode: (optional) The view mode that should be used to render the entity.

string $langcode: (optional) For which language the entity should be rendered, defaults to the current content language.

Return value

A render array for the entities, indexed by the same keys as the entities array passed in $entities.


\InvalidArgumentException Can be thrown when the set of parameters is inconsistent, like when trying to view Comments and passing a Node which is not the one the comments belongs to, or not passing one, and having the comments node not be available for loading.

Overrides EntityViewBuilder::viewMultiple


core/modules/tour/src/TourViewBuilder.php, line 17


Provides a Tour view builder.




public function viewMultiple(array $entities = [], $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL) {

  /** @var \Drupal\tour\TourInterface[] $entities */
  $tour = [];
  $cache_tags = [];
  $total_tips = 0;
  foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
    $tour[$entity_id] = $entity
    $total_tips += count($tour[$entity_id]);
    $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($cache_tags, $entity
  $items = [];
  foreach ($tour as $tour_id => $tips) {
    $tourEntity = $entities[$tour_id];
    foreach ($tips as $index => $tip) {
      $classes = [
        'tip-module-' . Html::getClass($tourEntity
        'tip-type-' . Html::getClass($tip
        'tip-' . Html::getClass($tip
      $selector = $tip
      $location = $tip

      // If $location is null, it's possible that a value is available
      // by directly accessing the `location` property. This can occur if
      // a tour with the deprecated `location` property was installed and
      // tour_post_update_joyride_selectors_to_selector_property() has not run
      // with it installed.
      // @see tour_post_update_joyride_selectors_to_selector_property()
      if (!$location && ($location = $tip
        ->get('location'))) {

        // If the `location` property still has a value, this means the tip
        // is configured for Joyride. The position value must be appended with
        // '-start' to provide the same experience as Joyride.
        $location = $location . '-start';

      // @todo remove conditional in, as all
      //   instances will already be instances of TourTipPluginInterface.
      if ($tip instanceof TourTipPluginInterface) {
        $body_render_array = $tip
        $body = (string) \Drupal::service('renderer')
        $output = [
          'body' => $body,
          'title' => Html::escape($tip
        $selector = $tip
      else {

        // This condition is met if the tip does not implement
        // TourTipPluginInterface. This means the tour tip must be constructed
        // with the deprecated getOutput() method. The resulting tour tip
        // should be largely identical, with the following exceptions:
        // - If the tour tip `attributes` property included anything other
        //   than `data-class` or `data-id`, these additional attributes
        //   will not be available in the resulting tour tip. Note that such
        //   uses are uncommon.
        // - Although the tour tip content is identical, the markup structure
        //   will be different due to being rendered by Shepherd instead of
        //   Joyride. Themes extending Stable or Stable 9 will not experience
        //   these changes as a script is provided that reconstructs each tip
        //   to match Joyride's markup structure.
        $attributes = (array) $tip
        if (array_diff([
        ], array_keys($attributes + [
        ]))) {
          trigger_error('The tour tips only support data-class and data-id attributes and they will have to be upgraded manually. See', E_USER_WARNING);
        $tour_render_array = $tip
        if (!empty($tour_render_array)) {

          // The output render array intentionally omits title. The deprecated
          // getOutput() returns a render array with the title and main
          // content.
          $output = [
            'body' => (string) \Drupal::service('renderer')

          // Add a class so JavaScript in Stable themes can identify deprecated
          // tip plugins. The logic used to make markup backwards compatible
          // with Joyride is different depending on the type of
          // plugin used.
          $classes[] = 'tip-uses-get-output';
      if ($output) {
        $items[] = [
          'id' => $tip
          'selector' => $selector,
          'module' => $tourEntity
          'type' => $tip
          'counter' => $this
            ->t('@tour_item of @total', [
            '@tour_item' => $index + 1,
            '@total' => $total_tips,
          'attachTo' => [
            'element' => $selector,
            'on' => $location ?? 'bottom-start',
          // Shepherd expects classes to be provided as a string.
          'classes' => implode(' ', $classes),
        ] + $output;

  // If there is at least one tour item, build the tour.
  if ($items) {
    $key = key($items);
    $items[$key]['cancelText'] = t('End tour');
  $build = [
    '#cache' => [
      'tags' => $cache_tags,

  // If at least one tour was built, attach tips and the tour library.
  if ($items) {
    $build['#attached']['drupalSettings']['tourShepherdConfig'] = [
      'defaultStepOptions' => [
        'classes' => 'drupal-tour',
        'cancelIcon' => [
          'enabled' => TRUE,
          'label' => $this
        'modalOverlayOpeningPadding' => 3,
        'scrollTo' => [
          'behavior' => 'smooth',
          'block' => 'center',
        'popperOptions' => [
          'modifiers' => [
            // Prevent overlap with the element being highlighted.
              'name' => 'offset',
              'options' => [
                'offset' => [
            // Pad the arrows so they don't hit the edge of rounded corners.
              'name' => 'arrow',
              'options' => [
                'padding' => 12,
            // Disable Shepherd's focusAfterRender modifier, which results in
            // the tour item container being focused on any scroll or resize
            // event.
              'name' => 'focusAfterRender',
              'enabled' => FALSE,
      'useModalOverlay' => TRUE,

    // This property is used for storing the tour items. It may change without
    // notice and should not be extended or modified in contrib.
    // see:
    $build['#attached']['drupalSettings']['_tour_internal'] = $items;
    $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'tour/tour';
  return $build;