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protected function TermStorage::getParents in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php \Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorage::getParents()
  2. 10 core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php \Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorage::getParents()

Returns a list of parents of this term.

@internal @todo Refactor away when TreeInterface is introduced.

Return value

\Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface[] The parent taxonomy term entities keyed by term ID. If this term has a <root> parent, that item is keyed with 0 and will have NULL as value.

2 calls to TermStorage::getParents()
TermStorage::getAncestors in core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php
Returns all ancestors of this term.
TermStorage::loadParents in core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php
Finds all parents of a given term ID.


core/modules/taxonomy/src/TermStorage.php, line 132


Defines a Controller class for taxonomy terms.




protected function getParents(TermInterface $term) {
  $parents = $ids = [];

  // Cannot use $this->get('parent')->referencedEntities() here because that
  // strips out the '0' reference.
  foreach ($term
    ->get('parent') as $item) {
    if ($item->target_id == 0) {

      // The <root> parent.
      $parents[0] = NULL;
    $ids[] = $item->target_id;

  // @todo Better way to do this? AND handle the NULL/0 parent?
  // Querying the terms again so that the same access checks are run when
  // getParents() is called as in Drupal version prior to 8.3.
  $loaded_parents = [];
  if ($ids) {
    $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term')
      ->condition('tid', $ids, 'IN');
    $loaded_parents = static::loadMultiple($query
  return $parents + $loaded_parents;