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CronQueueTest.php in Drupal 9

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  1. 8 core/modules/system/tests/src/Kernel/System/CronQueueTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\system\Kernel\System;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Queue\DatabaseQueue;
use Drupal\Core\Queue\Memory;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\cron_queue_test\Plugin\QueueWorker\CronQueueTestDatabaseDelayException;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * Tests the Cron Queue runner.
 * @group system
class CronQueueTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * The modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * The database connection.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $connection;

   * The cron service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cron
  protected $cron;

   * The fake current time used for queue worker / cron testing purposes.
   * This value should be greater than or equal to zero.
   * @var int
  protected $currentTime = 1000;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $this->connection = Database::getConnection();
    $this->cron = \Drupal::service('cron');
    $time = $this
      ->set('datetime.time', $time
      ->assertEquals($this->currentTime, \Drupal::time()
      ->assertEquals($this->currentTime, \Drupal::time()
    $realQueueFactory = $this->container
    $queue_factory = $this
    $database = new DatabaseQueue('cron_queue_test_database_delay_exception', $this->connection);
    $memory = new Memory('cron_queue_test_memory_delay_exception');
      ->get('cron_queue_test_database_delay_exception', Argument::cetera())
      ->get('cron_queue_test_memory_delay_exception', Argument::cetera())
      ->get(Argument::any(), Argument::cetera())
      ->will(function ($args) use ($realQueueFactory) {
      return $realQueueFactory
        ->get($args[0], $args[1] ?? FALSE);
      ->set('queue', $queue_factory

   * Tests that DelayedRequeueException behaves as expected when running cron.
  public function testDelayException() {
    $database = $this->container
    $memory = $this->container

    // Ensure that the queues are of the correct type for this test.
      ->assertInstanceOf('Drupal\\Core\\Queue\\DelayableQueueInterface', $database);
      ->assertNotInstanceOf('Drupal\\Core\\Queue\\DelayableQueueInterface', $memory);

    // Get the queue worker plugin manager.
    $manager = $this->container
    $definitions = $manager
      ->assertNotEmpty($database_lease_time = $definitions['cron_queue_test_database_delay_exception']['cron']['time']);
      ->assertNotEmpty($memory_lease_time = $definitions['cron_queue_test_memory_delay_exception']['cron']['time']);

    // Create the necessary test data and run cron.

    // Fetch the expiry time for the database queue.
    $query = $this->connection
      ->condition('name', 'cron_queue_test_database_delay_exception');
      ->addField('queue', 'expire');
      ->range(0, 1);
    $expire = $query

    // Assert that the delay interval is greater than the lease interval. This
    // allows us to assume that (if updated) the new expiry time will be greater
    // than the initial expiry time. We can then also assume that the new expiry
    // time offset will be identical to the delay interval.
      ->assertGreaterThan($database_lease_time, CronQueueTestDatabaseDelayException::DELAY_INTERVAL);
      ->assertGreaterThan($this->currentTime + $database_lease_time, $expire);
      ->assertEquals(CronQueueTestDatabaseDelayException::DELAY_INTERVAL, $expire - $this->currentTime);

    // Ensure that the memory queue expiry time is unchanged after the
    // DelayedRequeueException has been thrown.
    $property = (new \ReflectionClass($memory))
    $memory_queue_internal = $property
      ->assertEquals($this->currentTime + $memory_lease_time, reset($memory_queue_internal)->expire);

   * Tests that exceptions thrown by workers are handled properly.
  public function testExceptions() {

    // Get the queue to test the normal Exception.
    $queue = $this->container

    // Enqueue an item for processing.
        ->randomMachineName() => $this

    // Run cron; the worker for this queue should throw an exception and handle
    // it.
      ->assertEquals(1, \Drupal::state()

    // The item should be left in the queue.
      ->assertEquals(1, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'Failing item still in the queue after throwing an exception.');

    // Expire the queue item manually. system_cron() relies in REQUEST_TIME to
    // find queue items whose expire field needs to be reset to 0. This is a
    // Kernel test, so REQUEST_TIME won't change when cron runs.
    // @see system_cron()
    // @see \Drupal\Core\Cron::processQueues()
      ->condition('name', 'cron_queue_test_exception')
      'expire' => REQUEST_TIME - 1,
      ->assertEquals(2, \Drupal::state()
      ->assertEquals(0, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'Item was processed and removed from the queue.');

    // Get the queue to test the specific SuspendQueueException.
    $queue = $this->container

    // Enqueue several item for processing.

    // Run cron; the worker for this queue should process as far as the crashing
    // item.

    // Only one item should have been processed.
      ->assertEquals(2, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'Failing queue stopped processing at the failing item.');

    // Check the items remaining in the queue. The item that throws the
    // exception gets released by cron, so we can claim it again to check it.
    $item = $queue
      ->assertEquals('crash', $item->data, 'Failing item remains in the queue.');
    $item = $queue
      ->assertEquals('ignored', $item->data, 'Item beyond the failing item remains in the queue.');

    // Test the requeueing functionality.
    $queue = $this->container
      ->assertEquals(2, \Drupal::state()
      ->assertEquals(0, $queue

   * Tests that database queue implementation complies with interfaces specs.
  public function testDatabaseQueueReturnTypes() : void {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\DatabaseQueue $queue */
    $queue = $this->container
    static::assertInstanceOf(DatabaseQueue::class, $queue);
    $item = $queue
      ->delayItem($item, 1));
      ->delayItem($item, 1));



Namesort descending Description
CronQueueTest Tests the Cron Queue runner.