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PhpStorageFactoryTest.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\system\Kernel\PhpStorage;

use Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\MTimeProtectedFileStorage;
use Drupal\Core\PhpStorage\PhpStorageFactory;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\PublicStream;
use Drupal\system\PhpStorage\MockPhpStorage;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Tests the PHP storage factory.
 * @group PhpStorage
 * @see \Drupal\Core\PhpStorage\PhpStorageFactory
class PhpStorageFactoryTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Empty the PHP storage settings, as KernelTestBase sets it by default.
    $settings = Settings::getAll();
    new Settings($settings);

   * Tests the get() method with no settings.
  public function testGetNoSettings() {
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');

    // This should be the default class used.
      ->assertInstanceOf(MTimeProtectedFileStorage::class, $php);

   * Tests the get() method using the 'default' settings.
  public function testGetDefault() {
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertInstanceOf(MockPhpStorage::class, $php);

   * Tests the get() method with overridden settings.
  public function testGetOverride() {
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');

    // The FileReadOnlyStorage should be used from settings.
      ->assertInstanceOf(MockPhpStorage::class, $php);

    // Test that the name is used for the bin when it is NULL.
      ->setSettings('test', [
      'bin' => NULL,
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertInstanceOf(MockPhpStorage::class, $php);
      ->assertSame('test', $php
      ->getConfigurationValue('bin'), 'Name value was used for bin.');

    // Test that a default directory is set if it's empty.
      ->setSettings('test', [
      'directory' => NULL,
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertInstanceOf(MockPhpStorage::class, $php);
      ->assertSame(PublicStream::basePath() . '/php', $php
      ->getConfigurationValue('directory'), 'Default file directory was used.');

    // Test that a default storage class is set if it's empty.
      ->setSettings('test', [
      'class' => NULL,
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertInstanceOf(MTimeProtectedFileStorage::class, $php);

    // Test that a default secret is not returned if it's set in the override.
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertNotEquals('mock hash salt', $php
      ->getConfigurationValue('secret'), 'The default secret is not used if a secret is set in the overridden settings.');

    // Test that a default secret is set if it's empty.
      ->setSettings('test', [
      'secret' => NULL,
    $php = PhpStorageFactory::get('test');
      ->assertSame('mock hash salt', $php
      ->getConfigurationValue('secret'), 'The default secret is used if one is not set in the overridden settings.');

   * Sets the Settings() singleton.
   * @param string $name
   *   The storage bin name to set.
   * @param array $configuration
   *   An array of configuration to set. Will be merged with default values.
  protected function setSettings($name = 'default', array $configuration = []) {
    $settings['php_storage'][$name] = $configuration + [
      'class' => 'Drupal\\system\\PhpStorage\\MockPhpStorage',
      'directory' => 'tmp://',
      'secret' => $this
      'bin' => 'test',
    $settings['hash_salt'] = 'mock hash salt';
    new Settings($settings);



Namesort descending Description
PhpStorageFactoryTest Tests the PHP storage factory.