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public function EntityUpdateToPublishableTest::testConvertToPublishable in Drupal 8

Tests the conversion of an entity type to be publishable.

See also



core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Update/EntityUpdateToPublishableTest.php, line 87


Tests the upgrade path for making an entity publishable.




public function testConvertToPublishable() {

  // Check that entity type is not publishable prior to running the update
  // process.
  $entity_test_update = $this->lastInstalledSchemaRepository

  // Make the entity type translatable and publishable.
    ->enableUpdates('entity_test_update', 'entity_rev_pub_updates', 8400);

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_test_update */
  $entity_test_update = $this->lastInstalledSchemaRepository
    ->assertEquals('status', $entity_test_update

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlEntityStorageInterface $storage */
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->assertCount(102, $storage
    ->loadMultiple(), 'All test entities were found.');

  // The test entity with ID 50 was created before Content Translation was
  // enabled, which means it didn't have a 'content_translation_status' field.
  // content_translation_update_8400() added values for that field which
  // should now be reflected in the entity's 'status' field.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(1, $entity->status->value);
  $translation = $entity
    ->assertEquals(1, $translation->status->value);

  // The test entity with ID 100 was created with Content Translation enabled
  // and it should have the same values as entity 50.
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(1, $entity->status->value);
  $translation = $entity
    ->assertEquals(1, $translation->status->value);

  // The test entity 101 had 'content_translation_status' set to 0 for the
  // English (source) language.
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(0, $entity->status->value);
  $translation = $entity
    ->assertEquals(1, $translation->status->value);

  // The test entity 102 had 'content_translation_status' set to 0 for the
  // Romanian language.
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(1, $entity->status->value);
  $translation = $entity
    ->assertEquals(0, $translation->status->value);