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public function ThemeUiTest::providerTestThemeInstallWithModuleDependencies in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Theme/ThemeUiTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Theme\ThemeUiTest::providerTestThemeInstallWithModuleDependencies()

Data provider for testThemeInstallWithModuleDependencies().

Return value

array An array of arrays. Details on the specific elements can be found in the function body.


core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Theme/ThemeUiTest.php, line 212


Tests the theme UI.




public function providerTestThemeInstallWithModuleDependencies() {

  // Data provider values with the following keys:
  // -'theme_name': The name of the theme being tested.
  // -'first_modules': Array of module machine names to enable first.
  // -'second_modules': Array of module machine names to enable second.
  // -'required_by_messages': Array for checking the messages explaining why a
  // module can't be uninstalled. The array key is the selector where the
  // message should appear, the array value is the expected message.
  // -'base_theme_to_uninstall': The name of a base theme that needs to be
  // uninstalled before modules it depends on can be uninstalled.
  // -'base_theme_module_names': Array of machine names of the modules
  // required by base_theme_to_uninstall.
  return [
    'test theme with a module dependency and base theme with a different module dependency' => [
      'theme_name' => 'Test Theme with a Module Dependency and Base Theme with a Different Module Dependency',
      'first_modules' => [
      'second_modules' => [
      'required_by_messages' => [
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-another-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-help"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme with a Module Dependency and Base Theme with a Different Module Dependency',
      'base_theme_to_uninstall' => 'Test Theme Depending on Modules',
      'base_theme_module_names' => [
    'Test Theme Depending on Modules' => [
      'theme_name' => 'Test Theme Depending on Modules',
      'first_modules' => [
      'second_modules' => [
      'required_by_messages' => [
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-another-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
      'base_theme_to_uninstall' => '',
      'base_theme_module_names' => [],
    'test theme with a base theme depending on modules' => [
      'theme_name' => 'Test Theme with a Base Theme Depending on Modules',
      'first_modules' => [
      'second_modules' => [
      'required_by_messages' => [
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-another-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
        '[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-module-required-by-theme"] .item-list' => 'Required by the theme: Test Theme Depending on Modules',
      'base_theme_to_uninstall' => 'Test Theme Depending on Modules',
      'base_theme_module_names' => [