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public function ThemeTest::testUninstallingThemes in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/System/ThemeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\System\ThemeTest::testUninstallingThemes()

Tests uninstalling of themes works.


core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/System/ThemeTest.php, line 402


Tests the theme interface functionality by enabling and switching themes, and using an administration theme.




public function testUninstallingThemes() {

  // Install Bartik and set it as the default theme.

  // Set up seven as the admin theme.
  $edit = [
    'admin_theme' => 'seven',
    'use_admin_theme' => TRUE,
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save configuration');
    ->clickLink('Set as default');

  // Check that seven cannot be uninstalled as it is the admin theme.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Seven theme');

  // Check that bartik cannot be uninstalled as it is the default theme.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Bartik theme');

  // Check that the classy theme cannot be uninstalled as it is a base theme
  // of seven and bartik.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Classy theme');

  // Install Stark and set it as the default theme.
  $edit = [
    'admin_theme' => 'stark',
    'use_admin_theme' => TRUE,
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save configuration');

  // Check that seven can be uninstalled now.
    ->responseContains('Uninstall Seven theme');

  // Check that the classy theme still cannot be uninstalled as it is a
  // base theme of bartik.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Classy theme');

  // Change the default theme to stark, stark is second in the list.
    ->clickLink('Set as default', 1);

  // Check that bartik can be uninstalled now.
    ->responseContains('Uninstall Bartik theme');

  // Check that the classy theme still can't be uninstalled as neither of its
  // base themes have been.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Classy theme');

  // Uninstall each of the three themes starting with Bartik.
    ->responseContains('The <em class="placeholder">Bartik</em> theme has been uninstalled');

  // Seven is the second in the list.
    ->responseContains('The <em class="placeholder">Seven</em> theme has been uninstalled');

  // Check that the classy theme still can't be uninstalled as it is hidden.
    ->responseNotContains('Uninstall Classy theme');