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UpcastingTest.php in Drupal 9


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namespace Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\ParamConverter;

use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;

 * Tests upcasting of url arguments to entities.
 * @group ParamConverter
class UpcastingTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * Confirms that all parameters are converted as expected.
   * All of these requests end up being processed by a controller with the
   * signature: f($user, $node, $foo) returning either values or labels
   * like "user: Dries, node: First post, foo: bar"
   * The test shuffles the parameters around and checks if the right thing is
   * happening.
  public function testUpcasting() {
    $node = $this
      'title' => $this
    $user = $this
      'access content',
    $foo = 'bar';

    // paramconverter_test/test_user_node_foo/{user}/{node}/{foo}
      ->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/test_user_node_foo/" . $user
      ->id() . '/' . $node
      ->id() . "/{$foo}");

    // Verify user and node upcast by entity name.
      ->pageTextContains("user: {$user->label()}, node: {$node->label()}, foo: {$foo}");

    // paramconverter_test/test_node_user_user/{node}/{foo}/{user}
    // = entity:user
      ->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/test_node_user_user/" . $node
      ->id() . "/" . $user
      ->id() . "/" . $user

    // Verify foo converted to user as well.
      ->pageTextContains("user: {$user->label()}, node: {$node->label()}, foo: {$user->label()}");

    // paramconverter_test/test_node_node_foo/{user}/{node}/{foo}
    // options.parameters.user.type = entity:node
      ->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/test_node_node_foo/" . $node
      ->id() . "/" . $node
      ->id() . "/{$foo}");

    // Verify that user is upcast to node (rather than to user).
      ->pageTextContains("user: {$node->label()}, node: {$node->label()}, foo: {$foo}");

   * Confirms we can upcast to controller arguments of the same type.
  public function testSameTypes() {
    $node = $this
      'title' => $this
    $parent = $this
      'title' => $this

    // paramconverter_test/node/{node}/set/parent/{parent}
    // options.parameters.parent.type = entity:node
      ->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/node/" . $node
      ->id() . "/set/parent/" . $parent
      ->pageTextContains("Setting '" . $parent
      ->getTitle() . "' as parent of '" . $node
      ->getTitle() . "'.");

   * Confirms entity is shown in user's language by default.
  public function testEntityLanguage() {
    $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('de');
      ->set('url.prefixes', [
      'de' => 'de',

    // The container must be recreated after adding a new language.
    $node = $this
      'title' => 'English label',
    $translation = $node
      ->setTitle('Deutscher Titel')
      ->drupalGet("/paramconverter_test/node/" . $node
      ->id() . "/test_language");
      ->pageTextContains("English label");
      ->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/node/" . $node
      ->id() . "/test_language", [
      'language' => $language,
      ->pageTextContains("Deutscher Titel");



Namesort descending Description
UpcastingTest Tests upcasting of url arguments to entities.