public function InstallUninstallTest::testInstallUninstall in Drupal 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 9 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Module/InstallUninstallTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Module\InstallUninstallTest::testInstallUninstall()
Tests that a fixed set of modules can be installed and uninstalled.
- core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Module/ InstallUninstallTest.php, line 35
- InstallUninstallTest
- Install/uninstall core module and confirm table creation/deletion.
public function testInstallUninstall() {
// Set a variable so that the hook implementations in system_test.module
// will display messages via
// \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface::addStatus().
->set('system_test.verbose_module_hooks', TRUE);
// Install and uninstall module_test to ensure hook_preinstall_module and
// hook_preuninstall_module are fired as expected.
->get('system_test_preinstall_module'), 'module_test');
->get('system_test_preuninstall_module'), 'module_test');
$all_modules = $this->container
// Test help on required modules, but do not test uninstalling.
$required_modules = array_filter($all_modules, function ($module) {
if (!empty($module->info['required']) || $module->status == TRUE) {
if ($module->info['package'] != 'Testing' && empty($module->info['hidden'])) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
$required_modules['help'] = $all_modules['help'];
// Test uninstalling without hidden, required, and already enabled modules.
$all_modules = array_filter($all_modules, function ($module) {
if (!empty($module->info['hidden']) || !empty($module->info['required']) || $module->status == TRUE || $module->info['package'] == 'Testing') {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Install the Help module, and verify it installed successfully.
$edit = [];
$edit["modules[help][enable]"] = TRUE;
->drupalPostForm('admin/modules', $edit, t('Install'));
->assertText('has been enabled', 'Modules status has been updated.');
->assertText(t('hook_modules_installed fired for help'));
// Test help for the required modules.
foreach ($required_modules as $name => $module) {
->assertHelp($name, $module->info['name']);
// Go through each module in the list and try to install and uninstall
// it with its dependencies.
foreach ($all_modules as $name => $module) {
$was_installed_list = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
// Start a list of modules that we expect to be installed this time.
$modules_to_install = [
foreach (array_keys($module->requires) as $dependency) {
if (isset($all_modules[$dependency])) {
$modules_to_install[] = $dependency;
// Check that each module is not yet enabled and does not have any
// database tables yet.
foreach ($modules_to_install as $module_to_install) {
// Install the module.
$edit = [];
$package = $module->info['package'];
$edit['modules[' . $name . '][enable]'] = TRUE;
->drupalPostForm('admin/modules', $edit, t('Install'));
// Handle experimental modules, which require a confirmation screen.
if ($package == 'Core (Experimental)') {
->assertText('Are you sure you wish to enable experimental modules?');
if (count($modules_to_install) > 1) {
// When there are experimental modules, needed dependencies do not
// result in the same page title, but there will be expected text
// indicating they need to be enabled.
->assertText('You must enable');
->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Continue'));
elseif (count($modules_to_install) > 1) {
// Verify that we are on the correct form and that the expected text
// about enabling dependencies appears.
->assertText('Some required modules must be enabled');
->assertText('You must enable');
->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Continue'));
// List the module display names to check the confirmation message.
$module_names = [];
foreach ($modules_to_install as $module_to_install) {
$module_names[] = $all_modules[$module_to_install]->info['name'];
$expected_text = \Drupal::translation()
->formatPlural(count($module_names), 'Module @name has been enabled.', '@count modules have been enabled: @names.', [
'@name' => $module_names[0],
'@names' => implode(', ', $module_names),
->assertText($expected_text, 'Modules status has been updated.');
// Check that hook_modules_installed() was invoked with the expected list
// of modules, that each module's database tables now exist, and that
// appropriate messages appear in the logs.
foreach ($modules_to_install as $module_to_install) {
->assertText(t('hook_modules_installed fired for @module', [
'@module' => $module_to_install,
->assertLogMessage('system', "%module module installed.", [
'%module' => $module_to_install,
], RfcLogLevel::INFO);
// Verify the help page.
->assertHelp($name, $module->info['name']);
// Uninstall the original module, plus everything else that was installed
// with it.
if ($name == 'forum') {
// Forum has an extra step to be able to uninstall it.
// Delete all workspaces before uninstall.
if ($name == 'workspaces') {
$workspaces = Workspace::loadMultiple();
$now_installed_list = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
$added_modules = array_diff(array_keys($now_installed_list), array_keys($was_installed_list));
while ($added_modules) {
$initial_count = count($added_modules);
foreach ($added_modules as $to_uninstall) {
// See if we can currently uninstall this module (if its dependencies
// have been uninstalled), and do so if we can.
$field_name = "uninstall[{$to_uninstall}]";
$has_checkbox = $this
->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox" and @name="' . $field_name . '"]');
$disabled = $this
->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox" and @name="' . $field_name . '" and @disabled="disabled"]');
if (!empty($has_checkbox) && empty($disabled)) {
// This one is eligible for being uninstalled.
$package = $all_modules[$to_uninstall]->info['package'];
->assertSuccessfulUninstall($to_uninstall, $package);
$added_modules = array_diff($added_modules, [
// If we were not able to find a module to uninstall, fail and exit the
// loop.
$final_count = count($added_modules);
if ($initial_count == $final_count) {
->fail('Remaining modules could not be uninstalled for ' . $name);
// Uninstall the help module and put it back into the list of modules.
$all_modules['help'] = $required_modules['help'];
->assertSuccessfulUninstall('help', $required_modules['help']->info['package']);
// Now that all modules have been tested, go back and try to enable them
// all again at once. This tests two things:
// - That each module can be successfully enabled again after being
// uninstalled.
// - That enabling more than one module at the same time does not lead to
// any errors.
$edit = [];
$experimental = FALSE;
foreach ($all_modules as $name => $module) {
$edit['modules[' . $name . '][enable]'] = TRUE;
// Track whether there is at least one experimental module.
if ($module->info['package'] == 'Core (Experimental)') {
$experimental = TRUE;
->drupalPostForm('admin/modules', $edit, t('Install'));
// If there are experimental modules, click the confirm form.
if ($experimental) {
->assertText('Are you sure you wish to enable experimental modules?');
->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Continue'));
// The string tested here is translatable but we are only using a part of it
// so using a translated string is wrong. Doing so would create a new string
// to translate.
->assertText(new FormattableMarkup('@count modules have been enabled: ', [
'@count' => count($all_modules),
]), 'Modules status has been updated.');