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public function LocalTasksTest::testPluginLocalTask in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Menu/LocalTasksTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Menu\LocalTasksTest::testPluginLocalTask()

Tests the plugin based local tasks.


core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Menu/LocalTasksTest.php, line 101


Tests local tasks derived from router and added/altered via hooks.




public function testPluginLocalTask() {

  // Verify local tasks defined in the hook.
        'bar' => 'unsafe',
        'bar' => '1',
        'bar' => '2',

  // Verify that script tags are escaped on output.
  $title = Html::escape("Task 1 <script>alert('Welcome to the jungle!')</script>");
  $title = Html::escape("<script>alert('Welcome to the derived jungle!')</script>");

  // Verify that local tasks appear as defined in the router.
  $title = Html::escape("<script>alert('Welcome to the jungle!')</script>");

  // Ensure the view tab is active.
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//li[contains(@class, "active")]/a');
    ->assertCount(1, $result, 'There is just a single active tab.');
    ->assertEqual('View(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The view tab is active.');

  // Verify that local tasks in the second level appear.
  $sub_tasks = [
        'placeholder' => 'derive1',
        'placeholder' => 'derive2',
    ->assertLocalTasks($sub_tasks, 1);
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//li[contains(@class, "active")]/a');
    ->assertCount(1, $result, 'There is just a single active tab.');
    ->assertEqual('Settings(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The settings tab is active.');
    ->assertLocalTasks($sub_tasks, 1);
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//a[contains(@class, "active")]');
    ->assertCount(2, $result, 'There are tabs active on both levels.');
    ->assertEqual('Settings(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The settings tab is active.');
    ->assertEqual('Dynamic title for TestTasksSettingsSub1(active tab)', $result[1]
    ->getText(), 'The sub1 tab is active.');
    ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_settings_derived', [
    'placeholder' => 'derive1',
    ->assertLocalTasks($sub_tasks, 1);
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//li[contains(@class, "active")]');
    ->assertCount(2, $result, 'There are tabs active on both levels.');
    ->assertEqual('Settings(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The settings tab is active.');
    ->assertEqual('Derive 1(active tab)', $result[1]
    ->getText(), 'The derive1 tab is active.');

  // Ensures that the local tasks contains the proper 'provider key'
  $definitions = $this->container
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_view']['provider'], 'menu_test');
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_edit']['provider'], 'menu_test');
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_settings']['provider'], 'menu_test');
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_settings_sub1']['provider'], 'menu_test');
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_settings_sub2']['provider'], 'menu_test');
    ->assertEqual($definitions['menu_test.local_task_test_tasks_settings_sub3']['provider'], 'menu_test');

  // Test that we we correctly apply the active class to tabs where one of the
  // request attributes is upcast to an entity object.
  $entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    'bundle' => 'test',
    ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('menu_test.local_task_test_upcasting_sub1', [
    'entity_test' => '1',
  $tasks = [
        'entity_test' => '1',
        'entity_test' => '1',
    ->assertLocalTasks($tasks, 0);
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//li[contains(@class, "active")]');
    ->assertCount(1, $result, 'There is one active tab.');
    ->assertEqual('upcasting sub1(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The "upcasting sub1" tab is active.');
    ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('menu_test.local_task_test_upcasting_sub2', [
    'entity_test' => '1',
  $tasks = [
        'entity_test' => '1',
        'entity_test' => '1',
    ->assertLocalTasks($tasks, 0);
  $result = $this
    ->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]//li[contains(@class, "active")]');
    ->assertCount(1, $result, 'There is one active tab.');
    ->assertEqual('upcasting sub2(active tab)', $result[0]
    ->getText(), 'The "upcasting sub2" tab is active.');