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twig_theme_test.module in Drupal 8

Test module.


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 * @file
 * Test module.

 * Implements hook_theme().
function twig_theme_test_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $items['twig_theme_test_filter'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'quote' => [],
      'attributes' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.filter',
  $items['twig_theme_test_php_variables'] = [
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.php_variables',
  $items['twig_theme_test_trans'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.trans',
  $items['twig_theme_test_placeholder_outside_trans'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'var' => '',
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.placeholder_outside_trans',
  $items['twig_namespace_test'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_namespace_test',
  $items['twig_registry_loader_test'] = [
    'variables' => [],
  $items['twig_registry_loader_test_include'] = [
    'variables' => [],
  $items['twig_registry_loader_test_extend'] = [
    'variables' => [],
  $items['twig_raw_test'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'script' => '',
  $items['twig_autoescape_test'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'script' => '',
  $items['twig_theme_test_url_generator'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.url_generator',
  $items['twig_theme_test_link_generator'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'test_url' => NULL,
      'test_url_attribute' => NULL,
      'attributes' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.link_generator',
  $items['twig_theme_test_url_to_string'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'test_url' => NULL,
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.url_to_string',
  $items['twig_theme_test_file_url'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.file_url',
  $items['twig_theme_test_attach_library'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.attach_library',
  $items['twig_theme_test_renderable'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'renderable' => NULL,
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.renderable',
  $items['twig_theme_test_embed_tag'] = [
    'variables' => [],
    'template' => 'twig_theme_test.embed_tag',
  return $items;

 * Helper function to test PHP variables in the Twig engine.
function _test_theme_twig_php_values() {

  // Prefix each variable with "twig_" so that Twig doesn't get confused
  // between a variable and a primitive. Arrays are not tested since they should
  // be a Drupal render array.
  return [
    'twig_null' => [
      'value' => NULL,
      'expected' => '',
    'twig_bool_false' => [
      'value' => FALSE,
      'expected' => '',
    'twig_bool_true' => [
      'value' => TRUE,
      'expected' => '1',
    'twig_int' => [
      'value' => 1,
      'expected' => '1',
    'twig_int_0' => [
      'value' => 0,
      'expected' => '0',
    'twig_float' => [
      'value' => 122.34343,
      'expected' => '122.34343',
    'twig_string' => [
      'value' => 'Hello world!',
      'expected' => 'Hello world!',

 * Implements template_preprocess_status_messages().
function twig_theme_test_preprocess_status_messages(&$variables) {
  $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'custom-test-messages-class';


Namesort descending Description
twig_theme_test_preprocess_status_messages Implements template_preprocess_status_messages().
twig_theme_test_theme Implements hook_theme().
_test_theme_twig_php_values Helper function to test PHP variables in the Twig engine.