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protected function EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer::constructValue in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/serialization/src/Normalizer/EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer.php \Drupal\serialization\Normalizer\EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer::constructValue()

Build the field item value using the incoming data.

Most normalizers that extend this class can simply use this method to construct the denormalized value without having to override denormalize() and reimplementing its validation logic or its call to set the field value.

It's recommended to not override this and instead provide a (de)normalizer at the DataType level.


mixed $data: The incoming data for this field item.

array $context: The context passed into the Normalizer.

Return value

mixed The value to use in Entity::setValue().

Overrides FieldableEntityNormalizerTrait::constructValue


core/modules/serialization/src/Normalizer/EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer.php, line 74


Adds the file URI to embedded file entities.




protected function constructValue($data, $context) {
  if (isset($data['target_uuid'])) {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem $field_item */
    $field_item = $context['target_instance'];
    if (empty($data['target_uuid'])) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('If provided "target_uuid" cannot be empty for field "%s".', $field_item
    $target_type = $field_item
    if (!empty($data['target_type']) && $target_type !== $data['target_type']) {
      throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The field "%s" property "target_type" must be set to "%s" or omitted.', $field_item
        ->getName(), $target_type));
    if ($entity = $this->entityRepository
      ->loadEntityByUuid($target_type, $data['target_uuid'])) {
      return [
        'target_id' => $entity
      ] + array_intersect_key($data, $field_item
    else {

      // Unable to load entity by uuid.
      throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No "%s" entity found with UUID "%s" for field "%s".', $data['target_type'], $data['target_uuid'], $field_item
  return parent::constructValue($data, $context);