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public function SearchAdvancedSearchFormTest::testNodeType in Drupal 8

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  1. 9 core/modules/search/tests/src/Functional/SearchAdvancedSearchFormTest.php \Drupal\Tests\search\Functional\SearchAdvancedSearchFormTest::testNodeType()

Tests advanced search by node type.


core/modules/search/tests/src/Functional/SearchAdvancedSearchFormTest.php, line 56


Indexes content and tests the advanced search form.




public function testNodeType() {

  // Verify some properties of the node that was created.
    ->getType() == 'page', 'Node type is Basic page.');
  $dummy_title = 'Lorem ipsum';
    ->assertNotEqual($dummy_title, $this->node
    ->label(), "Dummy title doesn't equal node title.");

  // Search for the dummy title with a GET query.
    ->drupalGet('search/node', [
    'query' => [
      'keys' => $dummy_title,
    ->label(), 'Basic page node is not found with dummy title.');

  // Search for the title of the node with a GET query.
    ->drupalGet('search/node', [
    'query' => [
      'keys' => $this->node
    ->label(), 'Basic page node is found with GET query.');

  // Search for the title of the node with a POST query.
  $edit = [
    'or' => $this->node
    ->drupalPostForm('search/node', $edit, 'edit-submit--2');
    ->label(), 'Basic page node is found with POST query.');

  // Search by node type.
    ->drupalPostForm('search/node', array_merge($edit, [
    'type[page]' => 'page',
  ]), 'edit-submit--2');
    ->label(), 'Basic page node is found with POST query and type:page.');
    ->drupalPostForm('search/node', array_merge($edit, [
    'type[article]' => 'article',
  ]), 'edit-submit--2');
    ->assertText('search yielded no results', 'Article node is not found with POST query and type:article.');