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public function FileUploadResourceTestBase::testPostFileUploadInvalidHeaders in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/FileUploadResourceTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\FileUploadResourceTestBase::testPostFileUploadInvalidHeaders()

Tests using the file upload POST route with invalid headers.


core/modules/rest/tests/src/Functional/FileUploadResourceTestBase.php, line 254


Tests binary data file upload route.




public function testPostFileUploadInvalidHeaders() {
  ], static::$auth ? [
  ] : [], [
  $uri = Url::fromUri('base:' . static::$postUri);

  // The wrong content type header should return a 415 code.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Type' => static::$mimeType,
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(415, sprintf('No route found that matches "Content-Type: %s"', static::$mimeType), $response);

  // An empty Content-Disposition header should return a 400.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Disposition' => FALSE,
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, '"Content-Disposition" header is required. A file name in the format "filename=FILENAME" must be provided', $response);

  // An empty filename with a context in the Content-Disposition header should
  // return a 400.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Disposition' => 'file; filename=""',
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No filename found in "Content-Disposition" header. A file name in the format "filename=FILENAME" must be provided', $response);

  // An empty filename without a context in the Content-Disposition header
  // should return a 400.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Disposition' => 'filename=""',
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No filename found in "Content-Disposition" header. A file name in the format "filename=FILENAME" must be provided', $response);

  // An invalid key-value pair in the Content-Disposition header should return
  // a 400.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Disposition' => 'not_a_filename="example.txt"',
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No filename found in "Content-Disposition" header. A file name in the format "filename=FILENAME" must be provided', $response);

  // Using filename* extended format is not currently supported.
  $response = $this
    ->fileRequest($uri, $this->testFileData, [
    'Content-Disposition' => 'filename*="UTF-8 \' \' example.txt"',
    ->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'The extended "filename*" format is currently not supported in the "Content-Disposition" header', $response);