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FormatSpecificGetBcRouteTestTrait.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;

 * Provides test methods to assert BC on format-specific GET routes.
 * @internal
trait FormatSpecificGetBcRouteTestTrait {

   * @group legacy
   * @see \Drupal\rest\RouteProcessor\RestResourceGetRouteProcessorBC
  public function testFormatSpecificGetBcRoute() {
    $url = $this

    // BC: Format-specific GET routes are deprecated. They are available on both
    // new and old sites, but trigger deprecation notices.
    $bc_route = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.' . static::$entityTypeId . '.GET.' . static::$format, $url
      ->getRouteParameters(), $url
      ->addExpectedDeprecationMessage(sprintf("The 'rest.entity.entity_test.GET.%s' route is deprecated since version 8.5.x and will be removed in 9.0.0. Use the 'rest.entity.entity_test.GET' route instead.", static::$format));
      ->getGeneratedUrl(), $bc_route

   * @group legacy
   * @see \Drupal\rest\Plugin\ResourceBase::routes
  public function testNoFormatSpecificGetBcRouteForOtherFormats() {
    $url = $this

    // Verify no format-specific GET BC routes are created for other formats.
    $other_format = static::$format === 'json' ? 'xml' : 'json';
    $bc_route_other_format = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.entity_test.GET.' . $other_format, $url
      ->getRouteParameters(), $url



Namesort descending Description
FormatSpecificGetBcRouteTestTrait Provides test methods to assert BC on format-specific GET routes.