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public function QuickEditLoadingTest::testConcurrentEdit in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/quickedit/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/QuickEditLoadingTest.php \Drupal\Tests\quickedit\FunctionalJavascript\QuickEditLoadingTest::testConcurrentEdit()

Tests Quick Edit on a node that was concurrently edited on the full node form.


core/modules/quickedit/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/QuickEditLoadingTest.php, line 268


Tests loading of in-place editing functionality and lazy loading of its in-place editors.




public function testConcurrentEdit() {
  $nid = $this->testNode

  // Open the edit page in the default session.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $nid . '/edit');

  // Switch to a concurrent session and save a quick edit change.
  // We need to do some bookkeeping to keep track of the logged in user.
  $logged_in_user = $this->loggedInUser;
  $this->loggedInUser = FALSE;

  // Register a session to preform concurrent editing.
  $driver = $this
  $session = new Session($driver);
    ->registerSession('concurrent', $session);
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $nid);
  $assert = $this
  $page = $this

  // Wait "Quick edit" button for node.
    ->waitForElement('css', '[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/' . $nid . '"] .contextual .quickedit');

  // Click by "Quick edit".
    ->clickContextualLink('[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/' . $nid . '"]', 'Quick edit');

  // Switch to body field.
    ->find('css', '[data-quickedit-field-id="node/' . $nid . '/body/en/full"]')

  // Wait and update body field.
  $body_field_locator = '[name="body[0][value]"]';
  $body_text = 'Fine thanks.';
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', $body_field_locator)
    ->setValue('<p>' . $body_text . '</p>');

  // Wait and click by "Save" button after body field was changed.
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', '.quickedit-toolgroup.ops [type="submit"][aria-hidden="false"]')
    ->waitForElementRemoved('css', $body_field_locator);

  // Ensure that the changes take effect.

  // Switch back to the default session.
  $this->loggedInUser = $logged_in_user;

  // Ensure different save timestamps for field editing.
    'body[0][value]' => '<p>Concurrent edit!</p>',
  ], 'Save');
    ->hasContent('The content has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications. As a result, your changes cannot be saved.');