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public function SubProcessTest::testNotFoundSubProcess in Drupal 8

Tests the sub_process process plugin.

@dataProvider providerTestNotFoundSubProcess


core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Unit/process/SubProcessTest.php, line 133


Tests the sub_process process plugin.




public function testNotFoundSubProcess($process_configuration, $source_values = []) {
  $migration = $this

  // Set up the properties for the sub_process.
  $plugin = new SubProcess($process_configuration, 'sub_process', []);

  // Manually create the plugins. Migration::getProcessPlugins does this
  // normally but the plugin system is not available.
  foreach ($process_configuration['process'] as $destination => $source) {
    $sub_process_plugins[$destination][] = new Get([
      'source' => $source,
    ], 'get', []);

  // Set up the key plugins.
  if (array_key_exists('key', $process_configuration)) {
    $key_plugin['key'][] = new Get([
      'source' => '@id',
    ], 'get', []);
  $event_dispatcher = $this
  $migrate_executable = new MigrateExecutable($migration, $this
    ->createMock(MigrateMessageInterface::class), $event_dispatcher);

  // The current value of the pipeline.
  $current_value = [
      'source_foo' => 'test',
      'source_id' => NULL,
    ] + $source_values,

  // This is not used but the interface requires it, so create an empty row.
  $row = new Row($source_values);

  // After transformation, check to make sure that source_foo and source_id's
  // values ended up in the proper destinations, and that the value of the
  // key (@id) is the same as the destination ID (42).
  $new_value = $plugin
    ->transform($current_value, $migrate_executable, $row, 'test');
    ->assertArrayEquals([], $new_value);