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public function MigrateSourceTestBase::testSource in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Kernel/MigrateSourceTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSourceTestBase::testSource()

Tests the source plugin against a particular data set.

@dataProvider providerSource


array $source_data: The source data that the source plugin will read.

array $expected_data: The result rows the source plugin is expected to return.

mixed $expected_count: (optional) How many rows the source plugin is expected to return. Defaults to count($expected_data). If set to a non-null, non-numeric value (like FALSE or 'nope'), the source plugin will not be counted.

array $configuration: (optional) Configuration for the source plugin.

mixed $high_water: (optional) The value of the high water field.

1 call to MigrateSourceTestBase::testSource()
MigrateSqlSourceTestBase::testSource in core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Kernel/MigrateSqlSourceTestBase.php
Tests the source plugin against a particular data set.
1 method overrides MigrateSourceTestBase::testSource()
MigrateSqlSourceTestBase::testSource in core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Kernel/MigrateSqlSourceTestBase.php
Tests the source plugin against a particular data set.


core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Kernel/MigrateSourceTestBase.php, line 147


Base class for tests of Migrate source plugins.




public function testSource(array $source_data, array $expected_data, $expected_count = NULL, array $configuration = [], $high_water = NULL) {
  $plugin = $this
  $clone_plugin = clone $plugin;

  // All source plugins must define IDs.

  // If there is a high water mark, set it in the high water storage.
  if (isset($high_water)) {
      ->id(), $high_water);
  if (is_null($expected_count)) {
    $expected_count = count($expected_data);

  // If an expected count was given, assert it only if the plugin is
  // countable.
  if (is_numeric($expected_count)) {
      ->assertInstanceOf('\\Countable', $plugin);
      ->assertCount($expected_count, $plugin);
  $i = 0;

  /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Row $row */
  foreach ($plugin as $row) {
      ->assertInstanceOf(Row::class, $row);
    $expected = $expected_data[$i++];
    $actual = $row
    foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
        ->assertArrayHasKey($key, $actual);
      $msg = sprintf("Value at 'array[%s][%s]' is not correct.", $i - 1, $key);
      if (is_array($value)) {
          ->assertEquals($value, $actual[$key], $msg);
      else {
          ->assertEquals((string) $value, (string) $actual[$key], $msg);

  // False positives occur if the foreach is not entered. So, confirm the
  // foreach loop was entered if the expected count is greater than 0.
  if ($expected_count > 0) {
      ->assertGreaterThan(0, $i);

    // Test that we can skip all rows.
      ->set('migrate_skip_all_rows_test_migrate_prepare_row', TRUE);
    foreach ($clone_plugin as $row) {
        ->fail('Row not skipped');