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MenuSettingsConstraint.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\menu_ui\Plugin\Validation\Constraint;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;

 * Validation constraint for changing the menu settings in pending revisions.
 * @Constraint(
 *   id = "MenuSettings",
 *   label = @Translation("Menu settings.", context = "Validation"),
 * )
class MenuSettingsConstraint extends Constraint {
  public $message = 'You can only change the menu settings for the <em>published</em> version of this content.';
  public $messageWeight = 'You can only change the menu item weight for the <em>published</em> version of this content.';
  public $messageParent = 'You can only change the parent menu item for the <em>published</em> version of this content.';
  public $messageRemove = 'You can only remove the menu item in the <em>published</em> version of this content.';



Namesort descending Description
MenuSettingsConstraint Validation constraint for changing the menu settings in pending revisions.