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public function MediaTypeCreationTest::testMediaTypeCreationFormWithDefaultField in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/media/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MediaTypeCreationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\media\FunctionalJavascript\MediaTypeCreationTest::testMediaTypeCreationFormWithDefaultField()
  2. 10 core/modules/media/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MediaTypeCreationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\media\FunctionalJavascript\MediaTypeCreationTest::testMediaTypeCreationFormWithDefaultField()

Tests the media type creation form.


core/modules/media/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MediaTypeCreationTest.php, line 61


Tests the media type creation.




public function testMediaTypeCreationFormWithDefaultField() {
  $session = $this
  $page = $session
  $assert_session = $this
  $label = 'Type with Default Field';
  $mediaTypeMachineName = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($label));

  // Select the media source used by our media type. Do this before setting
  // the label or machine name in order to guard against the regression in
    ->fieldExists('Media source');
    ->optionExists('Media source', 'test');
    ->selectFieldOption('Media source', 'test');
  $result = $assert_session
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-source-configuration"]');

  // Fill in a label to the media type.
    ->fillField('label', $label);

  // Wait for machine name generation. Default: waitUntilVisible(), does not
  // work properly.
    ->wait(5000, "jQuery('.machine-name-value').text() === '{$mediaTypeMachineName}'");

  // Check whether the source field was correctly created.

  // Check 2nd column of first data row, to be machine name for field name.
    ->elementContains('xpath', '(//table[@id="field-overview"]//tr)[2]//td[2]', 'field_media_test');

  // Check 3rd column of first data row, to be correct field type.
    ->elementTextContains('xpath', '(//table[@id="field-overview"]//tr)[2]//td[3]', 'Text (plain)');

  // Check that the source field is correctly assigned to media type.
    ->pageTextContains('Test source field is used to store the essential information about the media item.');

  // Check that the plugin cannot be changed after it is set on type creation.
    ->fieldDisabled('Media source');
    ->pageTextContains('The media source cannot be changed after the media type is created.');

  // Open up the media add form and verify that the source field is right
  // after the name, and before the vertical tabs.

  // Get the form element, and its HTML representation.
  $form_selector = '#media-' . Html::cleanCssIdentifier($mediaTypeMachineName) . '-add-form';
  $form = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', $form_selector);
  $form_html = $form

  // The name field should come before the source field, which should itself
  // come before the vertical tabs.
  $name_field = $assert_session
    ->fieldExists('Name', $form)
  $test_source_field = $assert_session
    ->fieldExists('Test source', $form)
  $vertical_tabs = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', '.vertical-tabs', $form)
  $date_field = $assert_session
    ->fieldExists('Date', $form)
  $published_checkbox = $assert_session
    ->fieldExists('Published', $form)
    ->assertGreaterThan(strpos($form_html, $name_field), strpos($form_html, $test_source_field));
    ->assertGreaterThan(strpos($form_html, $test_source_field), strpos($form_html, $vertical_tabs));

  // The "Published" checkbox should be the last element.
    ->assertGreaterThan(strpos($form_html, $date_field), strpos($form_html, $published_checkbox));

  // Check that a new type with the same machine name cannot be created.
    ->fillField('label', $label);
    ->wait(5000, "jQuery('.machine-name-value').text() === '{$mediaTypeMachineName}'");
    ->selectFieldOption('Media source', 'test');
    ->pageTextContains('The machine-readable name is already in use. It must be unique.');