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LayoutBuilderUiTest.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\layout_builder\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContentType;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\contextual\FunctionalJavascript\ContextualLinkClickTrait;

 * Tests the Layout Builder UI.
 * @group layout_builder
class LayoutBuilderUiTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
  use ContextualLinkClickTrait;

   * Path prefix for the field UI for the test bundle.
   * @var string
  const FIELD_UI_PREFIX = 'admin/structure/types/manage/bundle_with_section_field';
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
      'type' => 'bundle_with_section_field',
      'configure any layout',
      'create and edit custom blocks',
      'administer node display',
      'administer node fields',
      'access contextual links',

    // Enable layout builder.
      ->drupalPostForm(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default', [
      'layout[enabled]' => TRUE,
    ], 'Save');

   * Tests that after removing sections reloading the page does not re-add them.
  public function testReloadWithNoSections() {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // Remove all of the sections from the page.
      ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
      ->clickLink('Remove Section 1');

    // Assert that there are no sections on the page.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Remove Section 1');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Add block');

    // Reload the page.
      ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');

    // Assert that there are no sections on the page.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Remove Section 1');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Add block');

   * Tests the message indicating unsaved changes.
  public function testUnsavedChangesMessage() {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // Make and then discard changes.
      ->assertModifiedLayout(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
      ->pressButton('Discard changes');
      ->pageTextNotContains('You have unsaved changes.');

    // Make and then save changes.
      ->assertModifiedLayout(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
      ->pressButton('Save layout');
      ->pageTextNotContains('You have unsaved changes.');

   * Asserts that modifying a layout works as expected.
   * @param string $path
   *   The path to a Layout Builder UI page.
  protected function assertModifiedLayout($path) {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this
      ->clickLink('Add section');
      ->pageTextNotContains('You have unsaved changes.');
      ->clickLink('One column');
      ->pressButton('Add section');
      ->pageTextContainsOnce('You have unsaved changes.');

    // Reload the page.
      ->pageTextContainsOnce('You have unsaved changes.');

   * Tests that elements that open the dialog are properly highlighted.
  public function testAddHighlights() {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this
    $bundle = BlockContentType::create([
      'id' => 'basic',
      'label' => 'Basic block',
      'revision' => 1,
      ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
      ->elementsCount('css', '.layout-builder__add-section', 2);
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.is-layout-builder-highlighted');
      ->clickLink('Add section');
      ->waitForElement('css', '#drupal-off-canvas .item-list'));

    // Highlight is present with AddSectionController.
      ->clickLink('Two column');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas input[type="submit"][value="Add section"]'));

    // The highlight is present with ConfigureSectionForm.

    // Submit the form to add the section and then confirm that no element is
    // highlighted anymore.
      ->pressButton("Add section");
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '[data-layout-delta="1"]'));
      ->elementsCount('css', '.layout-builder__add-block', 3);

    // Add a custom block.
      ->clickLink('Add block');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'a:contains("Create custom block")'));

    // Highlight is present with ChooseBlockController::build().
      ->clickLink('Create custom block');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas input[value="Add block"]'));

    // Highlight is present with ChooseBlockController::inlineBlockList().

    // The highlight should persist with all block config dialogs.
      ->clickLink('Add block');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'a:contains("Recent content")'));
      ->clickLink('Recent content');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas input[value="Add block"]'));

    // The highlight is present with ConfigureBlockFormBase::doBuildForm().

    // The highlight is present when the "Configure section" dialog is open.
      ->clickLink('Configure Section 1');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas'));

    // The highlight is present when the "Remove Section" dialog is open.
      ->clickLink('Remove Section 1');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas'));

    // A block is highlighted when its "Configure" contextual link is clicked.
      ->clickContextualLink('.block-field-blocknodebundle-with-section-fieldbody', 'Configure');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas'));

    // Make sure the highlight remains when contextual links are revealed with
    // the mouse.
    $active_section = $page
      ->find('css', '.block-field-blocknodebundle-with-section-fieldbody');
      ->pressButton('Open configuration options');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '.block-field-blocknodebundle-with-section-fieldbody'));

    // @todo Remove the reload once is
    //   completed.

    // Block is highlighted when its "Remove block" contextual link is clicked.
      ->clickContextualLink('.block-field-blocknodebundle-with-section-fieldbody', 'Remove block');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '#drupal-off-canvas'));

   * Confirms the presence of the 'is-layout-builder-highlighted' class.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The highlighted element must also match this selector.
  private function assertHighlightedElement($selector) {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // There is only one highlighted element.
      ->elementsCount('css', '.is-layout-builder-highlighted', 1);

    // The selector is also the highlighted element.
      ->find('css', $selector)

   * Waits for the dialog to close and confirms no highlights are present.
  private function assertHighlightNotExists() {
    $assert_session = $this
      ->assertNoElementAfterWait('css', '#drupal-off-canvas');
      ->assertNoElementAfterWait('css', '.is-layout-builder-highlighted');



Namesort descending Description
LayoutBuilderUiTest Tests the Layout Builder UI.