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public function InlineBlockTest::testInlineBlocksRevisioningIntegrity in Drupal 9

Tests entity blocks revisioning.


core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineBlockTest.php, line 264


Tests that the inline block feature works correctly.




public function testInlineBlocksRevisioningIntegrity() {
    'access contextual links',
    'configure any layout',
    'administer node display',
    'view all revisions',
    'access content',
    'create and edit custom blocks',
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    'layout[enabled]' => TRUE,
    'layout[allow_custom]' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save');
  $block_1_locator = static::INLINE_BLOCK_LOCATOR;
  $block_2_locator = sprintf('%s + %s', static::INLINE_BLOCK_LOCATOR, static::INLINE_BLOCK_LOCATOR);

  // Add two blocks to the page and assert the content in each.
    ->addInlineBlockToLayout('Block 1', 'Block 1 original');
    ->addInlineBlockToLayout('Block 2', 'Block 2 original');
    ->assertNodeRevisionContent(3, [
    'Block 1 original',
    'Block 2 original',
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 1', 1);
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 2', 1);

  // Update the contents of one of the blocks and assert the updated content
  // appears on the next revision.
    ->configureInlineBlock('Block 2 original', 'Block 2 updated', $block_2_locator);
    ->assertNodeRevisionContent(4, [
    'Block 1 original',
    'Block 2 updated',
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 1', 1);
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 2', 2);

  // Update block 1 without creating a new revision of the parent.
    ->configureInlineBlock('Block 1 original', 'Block 1 updated', $block_1_locator);
    ->pressButton('Save layout');
    ->waitForElement('css', '.messages--status'));
    ->assertNodeRevisionContent(4, [
    'Block 1 updated',
    'Block 2 updated',
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 1', 2);
    ->assertBlockRevisionCountByTitle('Block 2', 2);

  // Reassert all of the parent revisions contain the correct block content
  // and the integrity of the revisions was preserved.
    ->assertNodeRevisionContent(3, [
    'Block 1 original',
    'Block 2 original',