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public function InlineBlockTest::testDeletion in Drupal 9

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  1. 8 core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineBlockTest.php \Drupal\Tests\layout_builder\FunctionalJavascript\InlineBlockTest::testDeletion()

Tests that entity blocks deleted correctly.


core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineBlockTest.php, line 348


Tests that the inline block feature works correctly.




public function testDeletion() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Cron $cron */
  $cron = \Drupal::service('cron');

  /** @var \Drupal\layout_builder\InlineBlockUsageInterface $usage */
  $usage = \Drupal::service('inline_block.usage');
    'administer content types',
    'access contextual links',
    'configure any layout',
    'administer node display',
    'administer node fields',
    'administer nodes',
    'bypass node access',
    'create and edit custom blocks',
  $assert_session = $this
  $page = $this

  // Enable layout builder.
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    'layout[enabled]' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save');

  // Add a block to default layout.
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    ->clickLink('Manage layout');
    ->addressEquals(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
    ->addInlineBlockToLayout('Block title', 'The DEFAULT block body');
    ->assertCount(1, $this->blockStorage
  $default_block_id = $this

  // Ensure the block shows up on node pages.
    ->pageTextContains('The DEFAULT block body');
    ->pageTextContains('The DEFAULT block body');

  // Enable overrides.
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    'layout[allow_custom]' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save');

  // Ensure we have 2 copies of the block in node overrides.
  $node_1_block_id = $this
  $node_2_block_id = $this
    ->assertCount(3, $this->blockStorage
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    ->clickLink('Manage layout');
    ->addressEquals(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');

  // Remove block from default.

  // Ensure the block in the default was deleted.

  // Ensure other blocks still exist.
    ->assertCount(2, $this->blockStorage
    ->pageTextContains('The DEFAULT block body');

  // Ensure entity block is not deleted because it is needed in revision.
    ->assertCount(2, $this->blockStorage

  // Ensure entity block is deleted when node is deleted.
    ->assertCount(1, $this->blockStorage

  // Add another block to the default.
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default');
    ->clickLink('Manage layout');
    ->addressEquals(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default/layout');
    ->addInlineBlockToLayout('Title 2', 'Body 2');
  $default_block2_id = $this
    ->assertCount(2, $this->blockStorage

  // Delete the other node so bundle can be deleted.

  // Ensure entity block was deleted.
    ->assertCount(1, $this->blockStorage

  // Delete the bundle which has the default layout.
    ->drupalGet(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/delete');

  // Ensure the entity block in default is deleted when bundle is deleted.
    ->assertCount(0, $this->blockStorage