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public function InlineBlockTest::testAddWorkFlow in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineBlockTest.php \Drupal\Tests\layout_builder\FunctionalJavascript\InlineBlockTest::testAddWorkFlow()

Tests the workflow for adding an inline block depending on number of types.





core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineBlockTest.php, line 447


Tests that the inline block feature works correctly.




public function testAddWorkFlow() {
  $assert_session = $this
  $page = $this
  $type_storage = $this->container
  foreach ($type_storage
    ->loadByProperties() as $type) {
    'access contextual links',
    'configure any layout',
    'administer node display',
    'administer node fields',
    'create and edit custom blocks',

  // Enable layout builder and overrides.
    ->drupalPostForm(static::FIELD_UI_PREFIX . '/display/default', [
    'layout[enabled]' => TRUE,
    'layout[allow_custom]' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save');
  $layout_default_path = 'admin/structure/types/manage/bundle_with_section_field/display/default/layout';

  // Add a basic block with the body field set.
    ->clickLink('Add block');

  // Confirm that with no block content types the link does not appear.
    ->linkNotExists('Create custom block');
    ->createBlockContentType('basic', 'Basic block');

  // Add a basic block with the body field set.
    ->clickLink('Add block');

  // Confirm with only 1 type the "Create custom block" link goes directly t
  // block add form.
    ->linkNotExists('Basic block');
    ->clickLink('Create custom block');
    ->createBlockContentType('advanced', 'Advanced block');

  // Add a basic block with the body field set.
    ->clickLink('Add block');

  // Confirm that, when more than 1 type exists, "Create custom block" shows a
  // list of block types.
    ->linkNotExists('Basic block');
    ->linkNotExists('Advanced block');
    ->clickLink('Create custom block');
    ->linkExists('Basic block');
    ->linkExists('Advanced block');
    ->clickLink('Advanced block');