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layout_builder.api.php in Drupal 8

Hooks provided by the Layout Builder module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Layout Builder module.

 * @defgroup layout_builder_access Layout Builder access
 * @{
 * In determining access rights for the Layout Builder UI,
 * \Drupal\layout_builder\Access\LayoutBuilderAccessCheck checks if the
 * specified section storage plugin (an implementation of
 * \Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorageInterface) grants access.
 * By default, the Layout Builder access check requires the 'configure any
 * layout' permission. Individual section storage plugins may override this by
 * setting the 'handles_permission_check' annotation key to TRUE. Any section
 * storage plugin that uses 'handles_permission_check' must provide its own
 * complete routing access checking to avoid any access bypasses.
 * This access checking is only enforced on the routing level (not on the entity
 * or field level) with additional form access restrictions. All HTTP API access
 * to Layout Builder data is currently forbidden.
 * @see

 * @} End of "defgroup layout_builder_access".