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public function QuickEditImageTest::testImageInPlaceEditor in Drupal 8

Test that quick editor works correctly with images.

@covers ::isCompatible @covers ::getAttachments


core/modules/image/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/QuickEditImageTest.php, line 65


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\image\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\Image @group image




public function testImageInPlaceEditor() {

  // Create a field with a basic filetype restriction.
  $field_name = strtolower($this
  $field_settings = [
    'file_extensions' => 'png',
  $formatter_settings = [
    'image_style' => 'large',
    'image_link' => '',
    ->createImageField($field_name, 'article', [], $field_settings, [], $formatter_settings);

  // Find images that match our field settings.
  $valid_images = [];
  foreach ($this
    ->getTestFiles('image') as $image) {

    // This regex is taken from file_validate_extensions().
    $regex = '/\\.(' . preg_replace('/ +/', '|', preg_quote($field_settings['file_extensions'])) . ')$/i';
    if (preg_match($regex, $image->filename)) {
      $valid_images[] = $image;

  // Ensure we have at least two valid images.
    ->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(2, count($valid_images));

  // Create a File entity for the initial image.
  $file = File::create([
    'uri' => $valid_images[0]->uri,
    'uid' => $this->contentAuthorUser
    'status' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT,

  // Use the first valid image to create a new Node.
  $image_factory = $this->container
  $image = $image_factory
  $node = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'title' => t('Test Node'),
    $field_name => [
      'target_id' => $file
      'alt' => 'Hello world',
      'title' => '',
      'width' => $image
      'height' => $image

  // Visit the new Node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

  // Assemble common CSS selectors.
  $entity_selector = '[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/' . $node
    ->id() . '"]';
  $field_selector = '[data-quickedit-field-id="node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/' . $field_name . '/' . $node
    ->getId() . '/full"]';
  $original_image_selector = 'img[src*="' . $valid_images[0]->filename . '"][alt="Hello world"]';
  $new_image_selector = 'img[src*="' . $valid_images[1]->filename . '"][alt="New text"]';

  // Assert that the initial image is present.
    ->elementExists('css', $entity_selector . ' ' . $field_selector . ' ' . $original_image_selector);

  // Initial state.
    ->awaitQuickEditForEntity('node', 1);
    'node/1[0]' => 'closed',
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/title/en/full' => 'inactive',
    'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'inactive',
    'node/1/created/en/full' => 'inactive',
    'node/1/body/en/full' => 'inactive',
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'inactive',

  // Start in-place editing of the article node.
    ->startQuickEditViaToolbar('node', 1, 0);
    'node/1[0]' => 'opened',
    ->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node
    ->label(), NULL);
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'candidate',

  // Click the image field.
    ->elementExists('css', $field_selector . ' .quickedit-image-dropzone');
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'active',

  // Type new 'alt' text.
    ->typeInImageEditorAltTextInput('New text');
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'changed',

  // Drag and drop an image.

  // To prevent 403s on save, we re-set our request (cookie) state.

  // Click 'Save'.
    'node/1[0]' => 'committing',
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'saving',
    ->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
    'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => '.quickedit-changed',

  // Wait for the saving of the image field to complete.
    ->assertJsCondition("Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.get('node/1[0]').get('state') === 'closed'");
    'node/1[0]' => 'closed',

  // Re-visit the page to make sure the edit worked.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

  // Check that the new image appears as expected.
    ->elementNotExists('css', $entity_selector . ' ' . $field_selector . ' ' . $original_image_selector);
    ->elementExists('css', $entity_selector . ' ' . $field_selector . ' ' . $new_image_selector);