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private function FrontMatter::parse in Drupal 8

Parses the source.

Return value

array An associative array containing:

  • code: The real source code.
  • data: The front matter data extracted and decoded.
  • line: The line number where the real source code starts.


\Drupal\Component\Serialization\Exception\InvalidDataTypeException Exception thrown when the Front Matter cannot be parsed.


core/modules/help_topics/src/FrontMatter.php, line 95


Extracts Front Matter from the beginning of a source.




private function parse() {
  if (!$this->parsed) {
    $this->parsed = [
      'code' => $this->source,
      'data' => [],
      'line' => 1,

    // Check for front matter data.
    $len = strlen(static::FRONT_MATTER_SEPARATOR);
    $matches = [];
    if (substr($this->parsed['code'], 0, $len + 1) === static::FRONT_MATTER_SEPARATOR . "\n" || substr($this->parsed['code'], 0, $len + 2) === static::FRONT_MATTER_SEPARATOR . "\r\n") {
      preg_match(static::FRONT_MATTER_REGEXP, $this->parsed['code'], $matches);
      $matches = array_map('trim', $matches);

    // Immediately return if the code doesn't contain front matter data.
    if (empty($matches)) {
      return $this->parsed;

    // Set the extracted source code.
    $this->parsed['code'] = $matches[2];

    // Set the extracted front matter data. Do not catch any exceptions here
    // as doing so would only obfuscate any errors found in the front matter
    // data. Typecast to an array to ensure top level scalars are in an array.
    if ($matches[1]) {
      $this->parsed['data'] = (array) $this->serializer::decode($matches[1]);

    // Determine the real source line by counting newlines from the data and
    // then adding 2 to account for the front matter separator (---) wrappers
    // and then adding 1 more for the actual line number after the data.
    $this->parsed['line'] = count(preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\n/', $matches[1])) + 3;
  return $this->parsed;