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ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilderTest.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\forum\Unit\Breadcrumb;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\forum\Breadcrumb\ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder;
use Drupal\taxonomy\TermStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\forum\Breadcrumb\ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder
 * @group forum
class ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilderTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $cache_contexts_manager = $this
    $container = new Container();
      ->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);

   * Tests ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder::applies().
   * @param bool $expected
   *   ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder::applies() expected result.
   * @param string|null $route_name
   *   (optional) A route name.
   * @param array $parameter_map
   *   (optional) An array of parameter names and values.
   * @dataProvider providerTestApplies
   * @covers ::applies
  public function testApplies($expected, $route_name = NULL, $parameter_map = []) {

    // Make some test doubles.
    $entity_manager = $this
    $config_factory = $this
    $forum_manager = $this
    $translation_manager = $this

    // Make an object to test.
    $builder = $this
    $route_match = $this
      ->assertEquals($expected, $builder

   * Provides test data for testApplies().
   * @return array
   *   Array of datasets for testApplies(). Structured as such:
   *   - ForumListBreadcrumbBuilder::applies() expected result.
   *   - ForumListBreadcrumbBuilder::applies() $attributes input array.
  public function providerTestApplies() {

    // Send a Node mock, because NodeInterface cannot be mocked.
    $mock_term = $this
    return [

   * Tests ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder::build().
   * @see \Drupal\forum\ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder::build()
   * @covers ::build
  public function testBuild() {

    // Build all our dependencies, backwards.
    $translation_manager = $this
    $prophecy = $this
    $term1 = $prophecy
    $prophecy = $this
      ->willReturn('Something else');
    $term2 = $prophecy
    $term_storage = $this

    // The root forum.
    $prophecy = $this
    $vocab_storage = $this
    $entity_manager = $this
    $config_factory = $this
      'forum.settings' => [
        'vocabulary' => 'forums',
    $forum_manager = $this

    // Build a breadcrumb builder to test.
    $breadcrumb_builder = new ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder($entity_manager, $config_factory, $forum_manager, $translation_manager);

    // Add a translation manager for t().
    $translation_manager = $this

    // The forum listing we need a breadcrumb back from.
    $prophecy = $this
    $forum_listing = $prophecy

    // Our data set.
    $route_match = $this

    // First test.
    $expected1 = [
      Link::createFromRoute('Home', '<front>'),
      Link::createFromRoute('Fora_is_the_plural_of_forum', 'forum.index'),
      Link::createFromRoute('Something', '', [
        'taxonomy_term' => 1,
    $breadcrumb = $breadcrumb_builder
      ->assertEquals($expected1, $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
      ->assertEquals(Cache::PERMANENT, $breadcrumb

    // Second test.
    $expected2 = [
      Link::createFromRoute('Home', '<front>'),
      Link::createFromRoute('Fora_is_the_plural_of_forum', 'forum.index'),
      Link::createFromRoute('Something else', '', [
        'taxonomy_term' => 2,
      Link::createFromRoute('Something', '', [
        'taxonomy_term' => 1,
    $breadcrumb = $breadcrumb_builder
      ->assertEquals($expected2, $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
      ->assertEquals(Cache::PERMANENT, $breadcrumb
