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protected function DownloadTest::doPrivateFileTransferTest in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/file/tests/src/Functional/DownloadTest.php \Drupal\Tests\file\Functional\DownloadTest::doPrivateFileTransferTest()

Test the private file transfer system.

1 call to DownloadTest::doPrivateFileTransferTest()
DownloadTest::testPrivateFileTransferWithoutPageCache in core/modules/file/tests/src/Functional/DownloadTest.php
Test the private file transfer system.


core/modules/file/tests/src/Functional/DownloadTest.php, line 59


Tests for download/file transfer functions.




protected function doPrivateFileTransferTest() {

  // Set file downloads to private so handler functions get called.
  // Create a file.
  $contents = $this
  $file = $this
    ->createFile(NULL, $contents, 'private');

  // Created private files without usage are by default not accessible
  // for a user different from the owner, but createFile always uses uid 1
  // as the owner of the files. Therefore make it permanent to allow access
  // if a module allows it.
  $url = file_create_url($file

  // Set file_test access header to allow the download.
  file_test_set_return('download', [
    'x-foo' => 'Bar',
    ->drupalGetHeader('x-foo'), 'Bar', 'Found header set by file_test module on private download.');
    ->drupalGetHeader('x-drupal-cache'), 'Page cache is disabled on private file download.');

  // Ensure hook_file_download is fired correctly.
    ->getFileUri(), \Drupal::state()

  // Test that the file transferred correctly.
    ->assertSame($contents, $this
    ->getContent(), 'Contents of the file are correct.');
  $http_client = $this

  // Deny access to all downloads via a -1 header.
  file_test_set_return('download', -1);
  $response = $http_client
    ->head($url, [
    'http_errors' => FALSE,
    ->assertSame(403, $response
    ->getStatusCode(), 'Correctly denied access to a file when file_test sets the header to -1.');

  // Try non-existent file.
  $url = file_create_url('private://' . $this
  $response = $http_client
    ->head($url, [
    'http_errors' => FALSE,
    ->assertSame(404, $response
    ->getStatusCode(), 'Correctly returned 404 response for a non-existent file.');

  // Assert that hook_file_download is not called.
    ->assertEquals([], \Drupal::state()

  // Try requesting the private file url without a file specified.

  // Assert that hook_file_download is not called.
    ->assertEquals([], \Drupal::state()