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public function FieldStorageAddForm::submitForm in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/field_ui/src/Form/FieldStorageAddForm.php \Drupal\field_ui\Form\FieldStorageAddForm::submitForm()

Form submission handler.


array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

Overrides FormInterface::submitForm


core/modules/field_ui/src/Form/FieldStorageAddForm.php, line 334


Provides a form for the "field storage" add page.




public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $error = FALSE;
  $values = $form_state
  $destinations = [];
  $entity_type = $this->entityTypeManager

  // Create new field.
  if ($values['new_storage_type']) {
    $field_storage_values = [
      'field_name' => $values['field_name'],
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId,
      'type' => $values['new_storage_type'],
      'translatable' => $values['translatable'],
    $field_values = [
      'field_name' => $values['field_name'],
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId,
      'bundle' => $this->bundle,
      'label' => $values['label'],
      // Field translatability should be explicitly enabled by the users.
      'translatable' => FALSE,
    $widget_id = $formatter_id = NULL;
    $widget_settings = $formatter_settings = [];

    // Check if we're dealing with a preconfigured field.
    if (strpos($field_storage_values['type'], 'field_ui:') !== FALSE) {
      list(, $field_type, $option_key) = explode(':', $field_storage_values['type'], 3);
      $field_storage_values['type'] = $field_type;
      $field_definition = $this->fieldTypePluginManager
      $options = $this->fieldTypePluginManager
      $field_options = $options[$option_key];

      // Merge in preconfigured field storage options.
      if (isset($field_options['field_storage_config'])) {
        foreach ([
        ] as $key) {
          if (isset($field_options['field_storage_config'][$key])) {
            $field_storage_values[$key] = $field_options['field_storage_config'][$key];

      // Merge in preconfigured field options.
      if (isset($field_options['field_config'])) {
        foreach ([
        ] as $key) {
          if (isset($field_options['field_config'][$key])) {
            $field_values[$key] = $field_options['field_config'][$key];
      $widget_id = isset($field_options['entity_form_display']['type']) ? $field_options['entity_form_display']['type'] : NULL;
      $widget_settings = isset($field_options['entity_form_display']['settings']) ? $field_options['entity_form_display']['settings'] : [];
      $formatter_id = isset($field_options['entity_view_display']['type']) ? $field_options['entity_view_display']['type'] : NULL;
      $formatter_settings = isset($field_options['entity_view_display']['settings']) ? $field_options['entity_view_display']['settings'] : [];

    // Create the field storage and field.
    try {
      $field = $this->entityTypeManager
        ->configureEntityFormDisplay($values['field_name'], $widget_id, $widget_settings);
        ->configureEntityViewDisplay($values['field_name'], $formatter_id, $formatter_settings);

      // Always show the field settings step, as the cardinality needs to be
      // configured for new fields.
      $route_parameters = [
        'field_config' => $field
      ] + FieldUI::getRouteBundleParameter($entity_type, $this->bundle);
      $destinations[] = [
        'route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_storage_edit_form",
        'route_parameters' => $route_parameters,
      $destinations[] = [
        'route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_field_edit_form",
        'route_parameters' => $route_parameters,
      $destinations[] = [
        'route_name' => "entity.{$this->entityTypeId}.field_ui_fields",
        'route_parameters' => $route_parameters,

      // Store new field information for any additional submit handlers.
      ], $values['field_name']);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $error = TRUE;
        ->t('There was a problem creating field %label: @message', [
        '%label' => $values['label'],
        '@message' => $e

  // Re-use existing field.
  if ($values['existing_storage_name']) {
    $field_name = $values['existing_storage_name'];
    try {
      $field = $this->entityTypeManager
        'field_name' => $field_name,
        'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId,
        'bundle' => $this->bundle,
        'label' => $values['existing_storage_label'],
      $route_parameters = [
        'field_config' => $field
      ] + FieldUI::getRouteBundleParameter($entity_type, $this->bundle);
      $destinations[] = [
        'route_name' => "entity.field_config.{$this->entityTypeId}_field_edit_form",
        'route_parameters' => $route_parameters,
      $destinations[] = [
        'route_name' => "entity.{$this->entityTypeId}.field_ui_fields",
        'route_parameters' => $route_parameters,

      // Store new field information for any additional submit handlers.
      ], $field_name);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $error = TRUE;
        ->t('There was a problem creating field %label: @message', [
        '%label' => $values['label'],
        '@message' => $e
  if ($destinations) {
    $destination = $this
    $destinations[] = $destination['destination'];
      ->setRedirectUrl(FieldUI::getNextDestination($destinations, $form_state));
  elseif (!$error) {
      ->t('Your settings have been saved.'));