d6_field_formatter_settings.yml in Drupal 9
Same filename and directory in other branches
core/modules/field/migrations/d6_field_formatter_settings.ymlView source
- # cspell:ignore imagelink
- id: d6_field_formatter_settings
- label: Field formatter configuration
- migration_tags:
- - Drupal 6
- - Configuration
- class: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\FieldMigration
- field_plugin_method: alterFieldFormatterMigration
- source:
- plugin: d6_field_instance_per_view_mode
- constants:
- entity_type: node
- third_party_settings: { }
- process:
- # We skip field types that don't exist because they weren't migrated by the
- # field migration.
- field_type_exists:
- -
- plugin: migration_lookup
- migration: d6_field
- source:
- - field_name
- -
- plugin: skip_on_empty
- method: row
- -
- plugin: extract
- index:
- - 1
- entity_type: 'constants/entity_type'
- bundle:
- -
- plugin: migration_lookup
- migration: d6_node_type
- source: type_name
- -
- plugin: skip_on_empty
- method: row
- view_mode:
- -
- plugin: migration_lookup
- migration: d6_view_modes
- source:
- - view_mode
- -
- plugin: skip_on_empty
- method: row
- -
- plugin: extract
- index:
- - 1
- -
- plugin: static_map
- bypass: true
- map:
- full: default
- field_name: field_name
- "options/label": label
- "options/weight": weight
- "options/type":
- -
- plugin: static_map
- bypass: true
- source:
- - type
- - 'display_settings/format'
- map:
- number_integer:
- default: number_integer
- us_0: number_integer
- be_0: number_integer
- fr_0: number_integer
- unformatted: number_unformatted
- number_float:
- default: number_decimal
- us_0: number_decimal
- us_1: number_decimal
- us_2: number_decimal
- be_0: number_decimal
- be_1: number_decimal
- be_2: number_decimal
- fr_0: number_decimal
- fr_1: number_decimal
- fr_2: number_decimal
- unformatted: number_unformatted
- number_decimal:
- default: number_decimal
- us_0: number_decimal
- us_1: number_decimal
- us_2: number_decimal
- be_0: number_decimal
- be_1: number_decimal
- be_2: number_decimal
- fr_0: number_decimal
- fr_1: number_decimal
- fr_2: number_decimal
- unformatted: number_unformatted
- email:
- default: email_mailto
- spamspan: email_mailto
- contact: email_mailto
- plain: basic_string
- fr_phone:
- default: basic_string
- be_phone:
- default: basic_string
- it_phone:
- default: basic_string
- el_phone:
- default: basic_string
- ch_phone:
- default: basic_string
- ca_phone:
- default: basic_string
- cr_phone:
- default: basic_string
- pa_phone:
- default: basic_string
- gb_phone:
- default: basic_string
- ru_phone:
- default: basic_string
- ua_phone:
- default: basic_string
- es_phone:
- default: basic_string
- au_phone:
- default: basic_string
- cs_phone:
- default: basic_string
- hu_phone:
- default: basic_string
- pl_phone:
- default: basic_string
- nl_phone:
- default: basic_string
- se_phone:
- default: basic_string
- za_phone:
- default: basic_string
- il_phone:
- default: basic_string
- nz_phone:
- default: basic_string
- br_phone:
- default: basic_string
- cl_phone:
- default: basic_string
- cn_phone:
- default: basic_string
- hk_phone:
- default: basic_string
- mo_phone:
- default: basic_string
- ph_phone:
- default: basic_string
- sg_phone:
- default: basic_string
- jo_phone:
- default: basic_string
- eg_phone:
- default: basic_string
- pk_phone:
- default: basic_string
- int_phone:
- default: basic_string
- nodereference:
- default: entity_reference_label
- plain: entity_reference_label
- full: entity_reference_entity_view
- teaser: entity_reference_entity_view
- userreference:
- default: entity_reference_label
- plain: entity_reference_label
- -
- plugin: d6_field_type_defaults
- "options/settings":
- -
- plugin: static_map
- bypass: true
- source:
- - module
- - 'display_settings/format'
- map:
- nodereference:
- default: { }
- plain:
- link: false
- full:
- view_mode: full
- teaser:
- view_mode: teaser
- userreference:
- default: { }
- plain:
- link: false
- link:
- default:
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 0
- url_plain: 0
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- plain:
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 1
- url_plain: 1
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- absolute:
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 1
- url_plain: 1
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- title_plain: #can't support title as plain text.
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 1
- url_plain: 1
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- url:
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 1
- url_plain: 0
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- short: #can't support hardcoded link text?
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 0
- url_plain: 0
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- label: # can't support label as link text?
- trim_length: '80'
- url_only: 0
- url_plain: 0
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- separate:
- trim_length: '80'
- rel: 0
- target: 0
- filefield:
- image_plain:
- image_style: ''
- image_link: ''
- image_nodelink:
- image_style: ''
- image_link: content
- image_imagelink:
- image_style: ''
- image_link: file
- date:
- default:
- format_type: fallback
- timezone_override: ''
- format_interval:
- format_type: fallback
- timezone_override: ''
- long:
- format_type: long
- timezone_override: ''
- medium:
- format_type: medium
- timezone_override: ''
- short:
- format_type: short
- timezone_override: ''
- text:
- trimmed:
- trim_length: 600
- string:
- default:
- link_to_entity: false
- -
- plugin: field_formatter_settings_defaults
- "options/third_party_settings": 'constants/third_party_settings'
- destination:
- plugin: component_entity_display
- migration_dependencies:
- required:
- - d6_field_instance
- - d6_view_modes