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protected function EntityTranslationSettings::initializeIterator in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/content_translation/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/EntityTranslationSettings.php \Drupal\content_translation\Plugin\migrate\source\d7\EntityTranslationSettings::initializeIterator()

Initializes the iterator with the source data.

Return value

\Iterator Returns an iteratable object of data for this source.

Overrides SqlBase::initializeIterator


core/modules/content_translation/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/EntityTranslationSettings.php, line 44


Drupal 7 Entity Translation settings from variables.




protected function initializeIterator() {
  $results = array_map('unserialize', $this
  $rows = [];

  // Find out which entity type uses entity translation by looking at the
  // 'entity_translation_entity_types' variable.
  $entity_types = array_filter($results['entity_translation_entity_types']);

  // If no entity type uses entity translation, there's nothing to do.
  if (empty($entity_types)) {
    return new \ArrayIterator($rows);

  // Find out which node type uses entity translation by looking at the
  // 'language_content_type_%' variables.
  $node_types = [];
  foreach ($results as $name => $value) {
    if (preg_match('/^language_content_type_(.+)$/', $name, $matches) && (int) $value === 4) {
      $node_types[] = $matches[1];

  // Find out which vocabulary uses entity translation by looking at the
  // 'entity_translation_taxonomy' variable.
  $vocabularies = [];
  if (isset($results['entity_translation_taxonomy']) && is_array($results['entity_translation_taxonomy'])) {
    $vocabularies = array_keys(array_filter($results['entity_translation_taxonomy']));
  if (in_array('node', $entity_types, TRUE) && !empty($node_types)) {

    // For each node type that uses entity translation, check if a
    // settings variable exists for that node type, otherwise use default
    // values.
    foreach ($node_types as $node_type) {
      $settings = isset($results['entity_translation_settings_node__' . $node_type]) ? $results['entity_translation_settings_node__' . $node_type] : [];
      $rows[] = [
        'id' => 'node.' . $node_type,
        'target_entity_type_id' => 'node',
        'target_bundle' => $node_type,
        'default_langcode' => isset($settings['default_language']) ? $settings['default_language'] : 'und',
        // The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector' configuration has become
        // 'language_alterable' in Drupal 8 so we need to negate the value we
        // receive from the source. The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector'
        // default value for the node entity type was FALSE so in Drupal 8 it
        // should be set to TRUE, unlike the other entity types for which
        // it's the opposite.
        'language_alterable' => isset($settings['hide_language_selector']) ? (bool) (!$settings['hide_language_selector']) : TRUE,
        'untranslatable_fields_hide' => isset($settings['shared_fields_original_only']) ? (bool) $settings['shared_fields_original_only'] : FALSE,
  if (in_array('comment', $entity_types, TRUE) && !empty($node_types)) {

    // A comment type uses entity translation if the associated node type
    // uses it. So, for each node type that uses entity translation, check
    // if a settings variable exists for that comment type, otherwise use
    // default values.
    foreach ($node_types as $node_type) {
      $settings = isset($results['entity_translation_settings_comment__comment_node_' . $node_type]) ? $results['entity_translation_settings_comment__comment_node_' . $node_type] : [];

      // Forum uses a hardcoded comment type name, so make sure we use it
      // when we're dealing with forum comment type.
      $bundle = $node_type == 'forum' ? 'comment_forum' : 'comment_node_' . $node_type;
      $rows[] = [
        'id' => 'comment.' . $bundle,
        'target_entity_type_id' => 'comment',
        'target_bundle' => $bundle,
        'default_langcode' => isset($settings['default_language']) ? $settings['default_language'] : 'xx-et-current',
        // The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector' configuration has become
        // 'language_alterable' in Drupal 8 so we need to negate the value we
        // receive from the source. The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector'
        // default value for the comment entity type was TRUE so in Drupal 8
        // it should be set to FALSE.
        'language_alterable' => isset($settings['hide_language_selector']) ? (bool) (!$settings['hide_language_selector']) : FALSE,
        'untranslatable_fields_hide' => isset($settings['shared_fields_original_only']) ? (bool) $settings['shared_fields_original_only'] : FALSE,
  if (in_array('taxonomy_term', $entity_types, TRUE) && !empty($vocabularies)) {

    // For each vocabulary that uses entity translation, check if a
    // settings variable exists for that vocabulary, otherwise use default
    // values.
    foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
      $settings = isset($results['entity_translation_settings_taxonomy_term__' . $vocabulary]) ? $results['entity_translation_settings_taxonomy_term__' . $vocabulary] : [];
      $rows[] = [
        'id' => 'taxonomy_term.' . $vocabulary,
        'target_entity_type_id' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'target_bundle' => $vocabulary,
        'default_langcode' => isset($settings['default_language']) ? $settings['default_language'] : 'xx-et-default',
        // The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector' configuration has become
        // 'language_alterable' in Drupal 8 so we need to negate the value we
        // receive from the source. The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector'
        // default value for the taxonomy_term entity type was TRUE so in
        // Drupal 8 it should be set to FALSE.
        'language_alterable' => isset($settings['hide_language_selector']) ? (bool) (!$settings['hide_language_selector']) : FALSE,
        'untranslatable_fields_hide' => isset($settings['shared_fields_original_only']) ? (bool) $settings['shared_fields_original_only'] : FALSE,
  if (in_array('user', $entity_types, TRUE)) {

    // User entity type is not bundleable. Check if a settings variable
    // exists, otherwise use default values.
    $settings = isset($results['entity_translation_settings_user__user']) ? $results['entity_translation_settings_user__user'] : [];
    $rows[] = [
      'id' => 'user.user',
      'target_entity_type_id' => 'user',
      'target_bundle' => 'user',
      'default_langcode' => isset($settings['default_language']) ? $settings['default_language'] : 'xx-et-default',
      // The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector' configuration has become
      // 'language_alterable' in Drupal 8 so we need to negate the value we
      // receive from the source. The Drupal 7 'hide_language_selector'
      // default value for the user entity type was TRUE so in Drupal 8 it
      // should be set to FALSE.
      'language_alterable' => isset($settings['hide_language_selector']) ? (bool) (!$settings['hide_language_selector']) : FALSE,
      'untranslatable_fields_hide' => isset($settings['shared_fields_original_only']) ? (bool) $settings['shared_fields_original_only'] : FALSE,
  return new \ArrayIterator($rows);