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public function ConfigTranslationListUiTest::doFieldListTest in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/config_translation/tests/src/Functional/ConfigTranslationListUiTest.php \Drupal\Tests\config_translation\Functional\ConfigTranslationListUiTest::doFieldListTest()

Tests the field listing for the translate operation.

1 call to ConfigTranslationListUiTest::doFieldListTest()
ConfigTranslationListUiTest::testTranslateOperationInListUi in core/modules/config_translation/tests/src/Functional/ConfigTranslationListUiTest.php
Tests if translate link is added to operations in all configuration lists.


core/modules/config_translation/tests/src/Functional/ConfigTranslationListUiTest.php, line 394


Visit all lists.




public function doFieldListTest() {

  // Create a base content type.
  $content_type = $this
    'type' => mb_strtolower($this
    'name' => $this

  // Create a block content type.
  $block_content_type = BlockContentType::create([
    'id' => 'basic',
    'label' => 'Basic',
    'revision' => FALSE,
  $field = FieldConfig::create([
    // The field storage is guaranteed to exist because it is supplied by the
    // block_content module.
    'field_storage' => FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('block_content', 'body'),
    'bundle' => $block_content_type
    'label' => 'Body',
    'settings' => [
      'display_summary' => FALSE,

  // Look at a few fields on a few entity types.
  $pages = [
      'list' => 'admin/structure/types/manage/' . $content_type
        ->id() . '/fields',
      'field' => 'node.' . $content_type
        ->id() . '.body',
      'list' => 'admin/structure/block/block-content/manage/basic/fields',
      'field' => 'block_content.basic.body',
  foreach ($pages as $values) {

    // Get fields listing.
    $translate_link = $values['list'] . '/' . $values['field'] . '/translate';

    // Test if the link to translate the field is on the page.

    // Test if the link to translate actually goes to the translate page.