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public function CommentLinksTest::testLinkApprove in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/comment/tests/src/Kernel/Views/CommentLinksTest.php \Drupal\Tests\comment\Kernel\Views\CommentLinksTest::testLinkApprove()
  2. 10 core/modules/comment/tests/src/Kernel/Views/CommentLinksTest.php \Drupal\Tests\comment\Kernel\Views\CommentLinksTest::testLinkApprove()

Test the comment approve link.


core/modules/comment/tests/src/Kernel/Views/CommentLinksTest.php, line 47


Tests the comment link field handlers.




public function testLinkApprove() {
  $host = EntityTest::create([
    'name' => $this

  // Create an unapproved comment.
  $comment = $this->commentStorage
    'uid' => $this->adminUser
    'entity_type' => 'entity_test',
    'field_name' => 'comment',
    'entity_id' => $host
    'comment_type' => 'entity_test',
    'status' => 0,
  $view = Views::getView('test_comment');
    ->overrideOption('fields', [
    'approve_comment' => [
      'table' => 'comment',
      'field' => 'approve_comment',
      'id' => 'approve_comment',
      'plugin_id' => 'comment_link_approve',

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountSwitcherInterface $account_switcher */
  $account_switcher = \Drupal::service('account_switcher');

  // Check if I can see the comment approve link on an unapproved comment.
  $approve_comment = $view->style_plugin
    ->getField(0, 'approve_comment');
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      'destination' => '/',
  $url = Url::fromRoute('comment.approve', [
    'comment' => $comment
  ], $options);
    ->assertEqual(Link::fromTextAndUrl('Approve', $url)
    ->toString(), (string) $approve_comment, 'Found a comment approve link for an unapproved comment.');

  // Approve the comment.
  $view = Views::getView('test_comment');

  // Check if I can see the comment approve link on an approved comment.
  $approve_comment = $view->style_plugin
    ->getField(1, 'approve_comment');
    ->assertEmpty((string) $approve_comment, "Didn't find a comment approve link for an already approved comment.");

  // Check if I can see the comment approve link on an approved comment as an
  // anonymous user.
    ->switchTo(new AnonymousUserSession());

  // Set the comment as unpublished again.
  $view = Views::getView('test_comment');
  $replyto_comment = $view->style_plugin
    ->getField(0, 'approve_comment');
    ->assertEmpty((string) $replyto_comment, "I can't approve the comment as an anonymous user.");