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public function BlockContentTypeTest::testBlockContentTypeEditing in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/block_content/tests/src/Functional/BlockContentTypeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\block_content\Functional\BlockContentTypeTest::testBlockContentTypeEditing()

Tests editing a block type using the UI.


core/modules/block_content/tests/src/Functional/BlockContentTypeTest.php, line 112


Ensures that custom block type functions work correctly.




public function testBlockContentTypeEditing() {

  // Now create an initial block-type.
    ->createBlockContentType('basic', TRUE);

  // We need two block types to prevent /block/add redirecting.
  $field_definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
    ->getFieldDefinitions('block_content', 'other');
    ->assertFalse(isset($field_definitions['body']), 'Body field was not created when using the API to create block content types.');

  // Verify that title and body fields are displayed.
    ->pageTextContains('Block description');
    ->cssSelect('#edit-body-0-value'), 'Body field was found.');

  // Change the block type name.
  $edit = [
    'label' => 'Bar',
    ->titleEquals('Edit basic custom block type | Drupal');
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
  $front_page_path = Url::fromRoute('<front>')
    ->assertBreadcrumb('admin/structure/block/block-content/manage/basic/fields', [
    $front_page_path => 'Home',
    'admin/structure/block' => 'Block layout',
    'admin/structure/block/block-content' => 'Custom block library',
    'admin/structure/block/block-content/manage/basic' => 'Edit Bar',

  // Verify that the original machine name was used in the URL.
    ->addressEquals(Url::fromRoute('block_content.add_form', [
    'block_content_type' => 'basic',

  // Remove the body field.
    ->submitForm([], 'Delete');

  // Resave the settings for this type.
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Check that the body field doesn't exist.
    ->cssSelect('#edit-body-0-value'), 'Body field was not found.');