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protected function ImportOpmlTest::submitImportForm in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/aggregator/tests/src/Functional/ImportOpmlTest.php \Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Functional\ImportOpmlTest::submitImportForm()

Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.

1 call to ImportOpmlTest::submitImportForm()
ImportOpmlTest::testOpmlImport in core/modules/aggregator/tests/src/Functional/ImportOpmlTest.php
Tests the import of an OPML file.


core/modules/aggregator/tests/src/Functional/ImportOpmlTest.php, line 85


Tests OPML import.




protected function submitImportForm() {
  $count_query = \Drupal::entityQuery('aggregator_feed')
  $before = $count_query
  $form['files[upload]'] = $this
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $form, t('Import'));
    ->assertText(t('No new feed has been added.'), 'Attempting to upload invalid XML.');
  $edit = [
    'remote' => file_create_url($this
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
    ->assertText(t('No new feed has been added.'), 'Attempting to load empty OPML from remote URL.');
  $after = $count_query
    ->assertEqual($before, $after, 'No feeds were added during the two last form submissions.');
  foreach (Feed::loadMultiple() as $feed) {
  $feeds[0] = $this
  $feeds[1] = $this
  $feeds[2] = $this
  $edit = [
    'files[upload]' => $this
    'refresh' => '900',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
    ->assertRaw(t('A feed with the URL %url already exists.', [
    '%url' => $feeds[0]['url[0][value]'],
  ]), 'Verifying that a duplicate URL was identified');
    ->assertRaw(t('A feed named %title already exists.', [
    '%title' => $feeds[1]['title[0][value]'],
  ]), 'Verifying that a duplicate title was identified');
  $after = $count_query
    ->assertEqual($after, 2, 'Verifying that two distinct feeds were added.');
  $feed_entities = Feed::loadMultiple();
  $refresh = TRUE;
  foreach ($feed_entities as $feed_entity) {
      ->getUrl()] = $feed_entity
      ->label()] = $feed_entity
    $refresh = $refresh && $feed_entity
      ->getRefreshRate() == 900;
    ->assertEqual($title[$feeds[0]['url[0][value]']], $feeds[0]['title[0][value]'], 'First feed was added correctly.');
    ->assertEqual($url[$feeds[1]['title[0][value]']], $feeds[1]['url[0][value]'], 'Second feed was added correctly.');
    ->assertTrue($refresh, 'Refresh times are correct.');