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protected function EntityFieldManager::buildBaseFieldDefinitions in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityFieldManager.php \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManager::buildBaseFieldDefinitions()

Builds base field definitions for an entity type.


string $entity_type_id: The entity type ID. Only entity types that implement \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface are supported.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface[] An array of field definitions, keyed by field name.


\LogicException Thrown if a config entity type is given or if one of the entity keys is flagged as translatable.

1 call to EntityFieldManager::buildBaseFieldDefinitions()
EntityFieldManager::getBaseFieldDefinitions in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityFieldManager.php
Gets the base field definitions for a content entity type.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityFieldManager.php, line 200


Manages the discovery of entity fields.




protected function buildBaseFieldDefinitions($entity_type_id) {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityTypeInterface $entity_type */
  $entity_type = $this->entityTypeManager
  $class = $entity_type

  /** @var string[] $keys */
  $keys = array_filter($entity_type

  // Fail with an exception for non-fieldable entity types.
  if (!$entity_type
    ->entityClassImplements(FieldableEntityInterface::class)) {
    throw new \LogicException("Getting the base fields is not supported for entity type {$entity_type->getLabel()}.");

  // Retrieve base field definitions.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface[] $base_field_definitions */
  $base_field_definitions = $class::baseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);

  // Make sure translatable entity types are correctly defined.
  if ($entity_type
    ->isTranslatable()) {

    // The langcode field should always be translatable if the entity type is.
    if (isset($keys['langcode']) && isset($base_field_definitions[$keys['langcode']])) {

    // A default_langcode field should always be defined.
    if (!isset($base_field_definitions[$keys['default_langcode']])) {
      $base_field_definitions[$keys['default_langcode']] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
        ->t('Default translation'))
        ->t('A flag indicating whether this is the default translation.'))

  // Make sure that revisionable entity types are correctly defined.
  if ($entity_type
    ->isRevisionable()) {

    // Disable the BC layer to prevent a recursion, this only needs the
    // revision_default key that is always set.
    $field_name = $entity_type
    $base_field_definitions[$field_name] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
      ->t('Default revision'))
      ->t('A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved.'))

  // Make sure that revisionable and translatable entity types are correctly
  // defined.
  if ($entity_type
    ->isRevisionable() && $entity_type
    ->isTranslatable()) {

    // The 'revision_translation_affected' field should always be defined.
    // This field has been added unconditionally in Drupal 8.4.0 and it is
    // overriding any pre-existing definition on purpose so that any
    // differences are immediately available in the status report.
    $base_field_definitions[$keys['revision_translation_affected']] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
      ->t('Revision translation affected'))
      ->t('Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.'))

  // Assign base field definitions the entity type provider.
  $provider = $entity_type
  foreach ($base_field_definitions as $definition) {

    // @todo Remove this check once FieldDefinitionInterface exposes a proper
    //  provider setter. See
    if ($definition instanceof BaseFieldDefinition) {

  // Retrieve base field definitions from modules.
  foreach ($this->moduleHandler
    ->getImplementations('entity_base_field_info') as $module) {
    $module_definitions = $this->moduleHandler
      ->invoke($module, 'entity_base_field_info', [
    if (!empty($module_definitions)) {

      // Ensure the provider key actually matches the name of the provider
      // defining the field.
      foreach ($module_definitions as $field_name => $definition) {

        // @todo Remove this check once FieldDefinitionInterface exposes a
        //  proper provider setter. See
        if ($definition instanceof BaseFieldDefinition && $definition
          ->getProvider() == NULL) {
        $base_field_definitions[$field_name] = $definition;

  // Automatically set the field name, target entity type and bundle
  // for non-configurable fields.
  foreach ($base_field_definitions as $field_name => $base_field_definition) {
    if ($base_field_definition instanceof BaseFieldDefinition) {

  // Invoke alter hook.
    ->alter('entity_base_field_info', $base_field_definitions, $entity_type);

  // Ensure defined entity keys are there and have proper revisionable and
  // translatable values.
  foreach (array_intersect_key($keys, array_flip([
  ])) as $key => $field_name) {
    if (!isset($base_field_definitions[$field_name])) {
      throw new \LogicException("The {$field_name} field definition does not exist and it is used as {$key} entity key.");
    if ($base_field_definitions[$field_name]
      ->isRevisionable()) {
      throw new \LogicException("The {$base_field_definitions[$field_name]->getLabel()} field cannot be revisionable as it is used as {$key} entity key.");
    if ($base_field_definitions[$field_name]
      ->isTranslatable()) {
      throw new \LogicException("The {$base_field_definitions[$field_name]->getLabel()} field cannot be translatable as it is used as {$key} entity key.");

  // Make sure translatable entity types define the "langcode" field properly.
  if ($entity_type
    ->isTranslatable() && (!isset($keys['langcode']) || !isset($base_field_definitions[$keys['langcode']]) || !$base_field_definitions[$keys['langcode']]
    ->isTranslatable())) {
    throw new \LogicException("The {$entity_type->getLabel()} entity type cannot be translatable as it does not define a translatable \"langcode\" field.");
  return $base_field_definitions;