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public function ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityBase.php \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate()

Creates a duplicate of the entity.

Return value

static A clone of $this with all identifiers unset, so saving it inserts a new entity into the storage system.

Overrides EntityBase::createDuplicate

1 call to ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate()
BlockContent::createDuplicate in core/modules/block_content/src/Entity/BlockContent.php
Creates a duplicate of the entity.
1 method overrides ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate()
BlockContent::createDuplicate in core/modules/block_content/src/Entity/BlockContent.php
Creates a duplicate of the entity.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityBase.php, line 1131


Implements Entity Field API specific enhancements to the Entity class.




public function createDuplicate() {
  if ($this->translations[$this->activeLangcode]['status'] == static::TRANSLATION_REMOVED) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The entity object refers to a removed translation ({$this->activeLangcode}) and cannot be manipulated.");
  $duplicate = clone $this;
  $entity_type = $this
  if ($entity_type
    ->hasKey('id')) {
      ->getKey('id')}->value = NULL;

  // Check if the entity type supports UUIDs and generate a new one if so.
  if ($entity_type
    ->hasKey('uuid')) {
      ->getKey('uuid')}->value = $this

  // Check whether the entity type supports revisions and initialize it if so.
  if ($entity_type
    ->isRevisionable()) {
      ->getKey('revision')}->value = NULL;
    $duplicate->loadedRevisionId = NULL;
  return $duplicate;