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protected function InstallCommand::install in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/InstallCommand.php \Drupal\Core\Command\InstallCommand::install()

Installs Drupal with specified installation profile.


object $class_loader: The class loader.

\Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle $io: The Symfony output decorator.

string $profile: The installation profile to use.

string $langcode: The language to install the site in.

string $site_path: The path to install the site to, like 'sites/default'.

string $site_name: The site name.

Return value

int The command exit status.


\Exception Thrown when failing to create the $site_path directory or settings.php.

1 call to InstallCommand::install()
InstallCommand::execute in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/InstallCommand.php
Executes the current command.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Command/InstallCommand.php, line 133


Installs a Drupal site for local testing/development.




protected function install($class_loader, SymfonyStyle $io, $profile, $langcode, $site_path, $site_name) {
  $password = Crypt::randomBytesBase64(12);
  $parameters = [
    'interactive' => FALSE,
    'site_path' => $site_path,
    'parameters' => [
      'profile' => $profile,
      'langcode' => $langcode,
    'forms' => [
      'install_settings_form' => [
        'driver' => 'sqlite',
        'sqlite' => [
          'database' => $site_path . '/files/.sqlite',
      'install_configure_form' => [
        'site_name' => $site_name,
        'site_mail' => 'drupal@localhost',
        'account' => [
          'name' => 'admin',
          'mail' => 'admin@localhost',
          'pass' => [
            'pass1' => $password,
            'pass2' => $password,
        'enable_update_status_module' => TRUE,
        // form_type_checkboxes_value() requires NULL instead of FALSE values
        // for programmatic form submissions to disable a checkbox.
        'enable_update_status_emails' => NULL,

  // Create the directory and settings.php if not there so that the installer
  // works.
  if (!is_dir($site_path)) {
    if ($io
      ->isVerbose()) {
        ->writeln("Creating directory: {$site_path}");
    if (!mkdir($site_path, 0775)) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to create directory {$site_path}");
  if (!file_exists("{$site_path}/settings.php")) {
    if ($io
      ->isVerbose()) {
        ->writeln("Creating file: {$site_path}/settings.php");
    if (!copy('sites/default/default.settings.php', "{$site_path}/settings.php")) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Copying sites/default/default.settings.php to {$site_path}/settings.php failed.");
  require_once 'core/includes/';
  $progress_bar = $io
  install_drupal($class_loader, $parameters, function ($install_state) use ($progress_bar) {
    static $started = FALSE;
    if (!$started) {
      $started = TRUE;

      // We've already done 1.
        ->setFormat("%current%/%max% [%bar%]\n%message%\n");
        ->setMessage(t('Installing @drupal', [
        '@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
      $tasks = install_tasks($install_state);
        ->start(count($tasks) + 1);
    $tasks_to_perform = install_tasks_to_perform($install_state);
    $task = current($tasks_to_perform);
    if (isset($task['display_name'])) {
  $success_message = t('Congratulations, you installed @drupal!', [
    '@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
    '@name' => 'admin',
    '@pass' => $password,
  ], [
    'langcode' => $langcode,
    ->setMessage('<info>' . $success_message . '</info>');
    ->writeln('<info>Username:</info> admin');
    ->writeln("<info>Password:</info> {$password}");
  return 0;