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public function BreadcrumbBuilderInterface::applies in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Breadcrumb/BreadcrumbBuilderInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Breadcrumb\BreadcrumbBuilderInterface::applies()

Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.


\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match: The current route match.

Return value

bool TRUE if this builder should be used or FALSE to let other builders decide.

8 methods override BreadcrumbBuilderInterface::applies()
BookBreadcrumbBuilder::applies in core/modules/book/src/BookBreadcrumbBuilder.php
Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.
BreadcrumbManager::applies in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Breadcrumb/BreadcrumbManager.php
Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.
CommentBreadcrumbBuilder::applies in core/modules/comment/src/CommentBreadcrumbBuilder.php
Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.
ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder::applies in core/modules/forum/src/Breadcrumb/ForumListingBreadcrumbBuilder.php
Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.
ForumNodeBreadcrumbBuilder::applies in core/modules/forum/src/Breadcrumb/ForumNodeBreadcrumbBuilder.php
Whether this breadcrumb builder should be used to build the breadcrumb.

... See full list


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Breadcrumb/BreadcrumbBuilderInterface.php, line 22


Defines an interface for classes that build breadcrumbs.




public function applies(RouteMatchInterface $route_match);