145 uses of REQUEST_TIME in Drupal 9
- AggregatorController::adminOverview in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Controller/ AggregatorController.php - Displays the aggregator administration page.
- aggregator_cron in core/
modules/ aggregator/ aggregator.module - Implements hook_cron().
- AliasManager::getRequestTime in core/
modules/ path_alias/ src/ AliasManager.php - Wrapper method for REQUEST_TIME constant.
- ApcuBackend::invalidateAll in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ ApcuBackend.php - Marks all cache items as invalid.
- ApcuBackend::invalidateMultiple in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ ApcuBackend.php - Marks cache items as invalid.
- ApcuBackend::prepareItem in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ ApcuBackend.php - Prepares a cached item.
- AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait::assertViewsCacheTags in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Tests/ AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait.php - Asserts a view's result & render cache items' cache tags.
- AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait::assertViewsCacheTagsFromStaticRenderArray in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Tests/ AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait.php - Asserts a view's result & render cache items' cache tags.
- BlockContentRevisionsTest::setUp in core/
modules/ block_content/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockContentRevisionsTest.php - Sets the test up.
- BlockContentSaveTest::testDeterminingChanges in core/
modules/ block_content/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockContentSaveTest.php - Tests determining changes in hook_block_presave().
- BulkFormTest::testBulkForm in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BulkFormTest.php - Tests the bulk form.
- ChangedItem::preSave in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Field/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ ChangedItem.php - Defines custom presave behavior for field values.
- ChangedTestItem::preSave in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ ChangedTestItem.php - Defines custom presave behavior for field values.
- ClickSortingAJAXTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ ClickSortingAJAXTest.php - comment.module in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Enables users to comment on published content.
- CommentBlockTest::testRecentCommentBlock in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Functional/ CommentBlockTest.php - Tests the recent comments block.
- CommentForm::buildEntity in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ CommentForm.php - Builds an updated entity object based upon the submitted form values.
- CommentStatistics::create in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ CommentStatistics.php - Insert an empty record for the given entity.
- CommentTranslationUITest::doTestAuthoringInfo in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Functional/ CommentTranslationUITest.php - Tests the translation authoring information.
- ContentEntityChangedTest::testChanged in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ ContentEntityChangedTest.php - Tests basic EntityChangedInterface functionality.
- ContentEntityChangedTest::testRevisionChanged in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ ContentEntityChangedTest.php - Tests revisionable EntityChangedInterface functionality.
- ContentTranslationController::prepareTranslation in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ Controller/ ContentTranslationController.php - Populates target values with the source values.
- ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormAlter in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ ContentTranslationHandler.php - Performs the needed alterations to the entity form.
- ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormEntityBuild in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ ContentTranslationHandler.php - Entity builder method.
- ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormSubmit in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ ContentTranslationHandler.php - Form submission handler for ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormAlter().
- ContentTranslationUITestBase::doTestAuthoringInfo in core/
modules/ content_translation/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContentTranslationUITestBase.php - Tests the translation authoring information.
- CreatedItem::applyDefaultValue in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Field/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ CreatedItem.php - Applies the default value.
- CssCollectionOptimizer::deleteAll in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Asset/ CssCollectionOptimizer.php - Deletes all optimized asset collections assets.
- DatabaseBackend::prepareItem in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ DatabaseBackend.php - Prepares a cached item.
- Date::buildOptionsForm in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ field/ Date.php - Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields should have.
- Date::getDefaultArgument in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ argument/ Date.php - Set the empty argument value to the current date, formatted appropriately for this argument.
- Date::render in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ field/ Date.php - Renders the field.
- DateFormat::getTranslationElement in core/
modules/ config_translation/ src/ FormElement/ DateFormat.php - Returns the translation form element for a given configuration definition.
- DateFormatDeleteForm::getQuestion in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Form/ DateFormatDeleteForm.php - DateFormatEditForm::form in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Form/ DateFormatEditForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- DateFormatListBuilder::buildRow in core/
modules/ system/ src/ DateFormatListBuilder.php - Builds a row for an entity in the entity listing.
- DateHelper::years in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Datetime/ DateHelper.php - Constructs an array of years in a specified range.
- DateRangeItem::generateSampleValue in core/
modules/ datetime_range/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ DateRangeItem.php - Generates placeholder field values.
- DateTimeFieldTest::testDateField in core/
modules/ datetime/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DateTimeFieldTest.php - Tests date field functionality.
- DateTimeFieldTest::testDatetimeField in core/
modules/ datetime/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DateTimeFieldTest.php - Tests date and time field.
- DateTimeItem::generateSampleValue in core/
modules/ datetime/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ DateTimeItem.php - Generates placeholder field values.
- DbLogTest::testDBLogAddAndClear in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DbLogTest.php - Tests the addition and clearing of log events through the admin interface.
- DbLogTest::testLogEventPage in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DbLogTest.php - Tests individual log event page.
- DefaultProcessor::postProcess in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Plugin/ aggregator/ processor/ DefaultProcessor.php - Implements \Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\ProcessorInterface::postProcess().
- DefaultViewRecentCommentsTest::setUp in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ DefaultViewRecentCommentsTest.php - DefaultViewsTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DefaultViewsTest.php - DefaultViewsTest::testArchiveView in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DefaultViewsTest.php - Tests the archive view.
- drupal_valid_test_ua in core/
includes/ bootstrap.inc - Returns the test prefix if this is an internal request from SimpleTest.
- EntityCrudHookTest::testCommentHooks in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityCrudHookTest.php - Tests hook invocations for CRUD operations on comments.
- EntityCrudHookTest::testFileHooks in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityCrudHookTest.php - Tests hook invocations for CRUD operations on files.
- EntityCrudHookTest::testNodeHooks in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityCrudHookTest.php - Tests hook invocations for CRUD operations on nodes.
- EntityCrudHookTest::testUserHooks in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityCrudHookTest.php - Tests hook invocations for CRUD operations on users.
- EntityTypeConstraintsTest::testConstraintValidation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityTypeConstraintsTest.php - Tests entity constraints are validated.
- FakeLogEntries::generateLogEntries in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FakeLogEntries.php - Generates a number of random database log events.
- Feed::refreshItems in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Entity/ Feed.php - Updates the feed items by triggering the import process.
- FieldDropbuttonTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldDropbuttonTest.php - FieldFieldTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldFieldTest.php - FileFieldPathTest::testUploadPath in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FileFieldPathTest.php - Tests the normal formatter display on node display.
- FilterDateTimeTest::setUp in core/
modules/ datetime/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ FilterDateTimeTest.php - FinishResponseSubscriber::setResponseCacheable in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ EventSubscriber/ FinishResponseSubscriber.php - Add Cache-Control and Expires headers to a cacheable response.
- FrontPageTest::testFrontPage in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ FrontPageTest.php - Tests the frontpage.
- FunctionalTestSetupTrait::prepareRequestForGenerator in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Test/ FunctionalTestSetupTrait.php - Creates a mock request and sets it on the generator.
- GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testGetMultiple in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Cache/ GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.php - Tests Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface::getMultiple().
- GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetGet in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Cache/ GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.php - Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
- GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetMultiple in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Cache/ GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.php - Tests \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface::setMultiple().
- HistoryUserTimestamp::query in core/
modules/ history/ src/ Plugin/ views/ filter/ HistoryUserTimestamp.php - Add this filter to the query.
- history_write in core/
modules/ history/ history.module - Updates 'last viewed' timestamp of the specified entity for the current user.
- hook_cron in core/
core.api.php - Perform periodic actions.
- hook_views_query_substitutions in core/
modules/ views/ views.api.php - Replace special strings in the query before it is executed.
- install_display_output in core/
includes/ install.core.inc - Displays themed installer output and ends the page request.
- IntegrationTest::testAggregatorItemView in core/
modules/ aggregator/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ IntegrationTest.php - Tests basic aggregator_item view.
- ItemsPerPageTest::testItemsPerPage in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Wizard/ ItemsPerPageTest.php - Tests the number of items per page.
- JsCollectionOptimizer::deleteAll in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Asset/ JsCollectionOptimizer.php - Deletes all optimized asset collections assets.
- JsCollectionRenderer::render in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Asset/ JsCollectionRenderer.php - This class evaluates the aggregation enabled/disabled condition on a group by group basis by testing whether an aggregate file has been made for the group rather than by testing the site-wide aggregation setting. This allows this class to work…
- LocaleUpdateBase::makePoFile in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateBase.php - Creates a translation file and tests its timestamp.
- LocaleUpdateBase::setUp in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateBase.php - LocaleUpdateCronTest::testUpdateCron in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateCronTest.php - Tests interface translation update using cron.
- LocaleUpdateInterfaceTest::testInterface in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateInterfaceTest.php - Tests the user interfaces of the interface translation update system.
- locale_cron_fill_queue in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.translation.inc - Populate a queue with project to check for translation updates.
- locale_translate_batch_import_save in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.bulk.inc - Implements callback_batch_operation().
- locale_translation_batch_fetch_finished in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.batch.inc - Implements callback_batch_finished().
- locale_translation_batch_status_finished in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.batch.inc - Implements callback_batch_finished().
- locale_translation_check_projects in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.compare.inc - Check for the latest release of project translations.
- locale_translation_status_save in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - Saves the status of translation sources in static cache.
- MemoryBackend::getRequestTime in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ MemoryBackend.php - Wrapper method for REQUEST_TIME constant.
- MenuLinksTest::testCreateLink in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MenuLinksTest.php - Assert that a link entity's created timestamp is set.
- MigrateBlockContentTest::testBlockMigration in core/
modules/ block_content/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateBlockContentTest.php - Tests the Drupal 6 custom block to Drupal 8 migration.
- MigrateCustomBlockContentTranslationTest::testCustomBlockContentTranslation in core/
modules/ block_content/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateCustomBlockContentTranslationTest.php - Tests the Drupal 6 i18n custom block strings to Drupal 8 migration.
- MigrateUpgradeImportBatch::onPostRowDelete in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ src/ Batch/ MigrateUpgradeImportBatch.php - Reacts to item deletion.
- MigrateUpgradeImportBatch::onPostRowSave in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ src/ Batch/ MigrateUpgradeImportBatch.php - Reacts to item import.
- NestedFormTest::testNestedEntityFormEntityLevelValidation in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NestedFormTest.php - Tests entity level validation within subforms.
- NodeAdminTest::testContentAdminSort in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NodeAdminTest.php - Tests that the table sorting works on the content admin pages.
- NodeIntegrationTest::testNodeViewTypeArgument in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ NodeIntegrationTest.php - Tests basic node view with a node type argument.
- NodeRevisionsAllTest::testRevisions in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NodeRevisionsAllTest.php - Checks node revision operations.
- NodeRevisionsTest::testRevisions in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NodeRevisionsTest.php - Checks node revision related operations.
- NodeRevisionWizardTest::testViewAdd in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ Wizard/ NodeRevisionWizardTest.php - Tests creating a node revision view.
- NodeSaveTest::testTimestamps in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NodeSaveTest.php - Verifies accuracy of the "created" and "changed" timestamp functionality.
- NodeTranslationUITest::doTestAuthoringInfo in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ NodeTranslationUITest.php - Tests the translation authoring information.
- PagerTest::testPager in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Wizard/ PagerTest.php - Tests the pager option.
- PhpBackend::invalidateByHash in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ PhpBackend.php - Invalidate one cache item.
- PhpBackend::prepareItem in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ PhpBackend.php - Prepares a cached item.
- rebuild.php in core/
rebuild.php - Rebuilds all Drupal caches even when Drupal itself does not work.
- ReviewForm::submitForm in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ src/ Form/ ReviewForm.php - Form submission handler.
- SearchMultilingualEntityTest::testMultilingualSearch in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ src/ Functional/ SearchMultilingualEntityTest.php - Tests the indexing throttle and search results with multilingual nodes.
- SearchRankingTest::testRankings in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ src/ Functional/ SearchRankingTest.php - SessionHandler::write in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Session/ SessionHandler.php - SessionManager::destroy in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Session/ SessionManager.php - Destroys the current session and removes session cookies.
- SortingTest::testSorting in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Wizard/ SortingTest.php - Tests the sorting functionality.
- system_requirements in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_requirements().
- system_tokens in core/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- system_token_info in core/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_token_info().
- template_preprocess_image_style_preview in core/
modules/ image/ image.admin.inc - Prepares variables for image style preview templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_opml in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for OPML feed templates.
- Time::cacheExpire in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ cache/ Time.php - Determine the expiration time of the cache type, or NULL if no expire.
- TimestampFormatter::settingsForm in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Field/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldFormatter/ TimestampFormatter.php - Returns a form to configure settings for the formatter.
- TimestampFormatterTest::testTimestampFormatter in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Timestamp/ TimestampFormatterTest.php - Tests TimestampFormatter.
- TokenReplaceKernelTest::testSystemDateTokenReplacement in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Token/ TokenReplaceKernelTest.php - Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
- ToolbarController::subtreesAjax in core/
modules/ toolbar/ src/ Controller/ ToolbarController.php - Returns an AJAX response to render the toolbar subtrees.
- TranslationStatusForm::submitForm in core/
modules/ locale/ src/ Form/ TranslationStatusForm.php - Form submission handler.
- TwigPhpStorageCache::write in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Template/ TwigPhpStorageCache.php - TypedDataTest::testGetAndSet in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ TypedData/ TypedDataTest.php - Tests the basics around constructing and working with typed data objects.
- UpdateProcessor::createFetchTask in core/
modules/ update/ src/ UpdateProcessor.php - Adds a task to the queue for fetching release history data for a project.
- UpdateProcessor::processFetchTask in core/
modules/ update/ src/ UpdateProcessor.php - Processes a task to fetch available update data for a single project.
- update_cron in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Implements hook_cron().
- update_delete_file_if_stale in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Deletes stale files and directories from the update manager disk cache.
- UserChangedTest::testChangedField in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ UserChangedTest.php - Tests changed field.
- UserController::confirmCancel in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Controller/ UserController.php - Confirms cancelling a user account via an email link.
- UserController::resetPassLogin in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Controller/ UserController.php - Validates user, hash, and timestamp; logs the user in if correct.
- UserCreateTest::testUserAdd in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserCreateTest.php - Create a user through the administration interface and ensure that it displays in the user list.
- UserEditTest::testUserEdit in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserEditTest.php - Tests user edit page.
- UserPasswordResetTest::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - UserPasswordResetTest::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - UserPasswordResetTest::testUserPasswordReset in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - Tests password reset functionality.
- UserPasswordResetTest::testUserPasswordResetLoggedIn in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - Tests user password reset while logged in.
- UserRegistrationTest::testRegistrationDefaultValues in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserRegistrationTest.php - UserRequestSubscriber::onKernelTerminate in core/
modules/ user/ src/ EventSubscriber/ UserRequestSubscriber.php - Updates the current user's last access time.
- user_cancel_url in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Generates a URL to confirm an account cancellation request.
- user_cookie_delete in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Delete a visitor information cookie.
- user_cookie_save in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Saves visitor information as a cookie so it can be reused.
- user_login_finalize in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Finalizes the login process and logs in a user.
- user_pass_reset_url in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Generates a unique URL for a user to log in and reset their password.
- ViewExecutable::preExecute in core/
modules/ views/ src/ ViewExecutable.php - Runs attachments and lets the display do what it needs to before running.
- views_views_query_substitutions in core/
modules/ views/ views.views_execution.inc - Implements hook_views_query_substitutions().
- _drupal_flush_css_js in core/
includes/ common.inc - Changes the dummy query string added to all CSS and JavaScript files.
- _update_cron_notify in core/
modules/ update/ update.fetch.inc - Performs any notifications that should be done once cron fetches new data.