protected static function Composer::setTemplateProjectStability in Drupal 9
Set the stability of the template projects to match the Drupal version.
string $root: Path to root of drupal/drupal repository.
string $version: Semver version that Drupal was set to.
Return value
string Stability level of the provided version (stable, RC, alpha, etc.)
1 call to Composer::setTemplateProjectStability()
- Composer::setDrupalVersion in composer/
Composer.php - Set the version of Drupal; used in release process and by the test suite.
- composer/
Composer.php, line 73
- Composer
- Provides static functions for composer script events. See also core/lib/Drupal/Composer/Composer.php, which contains similar scripts needed by projects that include drupal/core. Scripts that are only needed by drupal/drupal go here.
protected static function setTemplateProjectStability(string $root, string $version) : void {
$stability = VersionParser::parseStability($version);
$templateProjectPaths = static::composerSubprojectPaths($root, 'Template');
foreach ($templateProjectPaths as $path) {
$dir = dirname($path);
exec("composer --working-dir={$dir} config minimum-stability {$stability}", $output, $status);
if ($status) {
throw new \Exception('Could not set minimum-stability for template project ' . basename($dir));