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  1. 6 drupagram.lib.php

Classes to implement the full Instagram API


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 * @file
 * Classes to implement the full Instagram API

 * Class InstagramConf
 * Singleton which stores common configuration
 * @see
class InstagramConf {
  private static $instance;
  private $attributes = array(
    'apibase' => '',
    'apiurl' => '',
    'tiny_url' => '',
  private function __construct() {
  public static function instance() {
    if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
      $className = __CLASS__;
      self::$instance = new $className();
    return self::$instance;

   * Generic getter
   * @param $attribute
   *   string attribute name to return
   * @return
   *   mixed value or NULL
  public function get($attribute) {
    if (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes)) {
      return $this->attributes[$attribute];

   * Generic setter
   * @param $attribute
   *   string attribute name to be set
   * @param $value
   *   mixed value
  public function set($attribute, $value) {
    if (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes)) {
      $this->attributes[$attribute] = $value;


 * Exception handling class.
class InstagramException extends Exception {


 * Primary Instagram API implementation class
 * Supports the full REST API for drupagram.
class Instagram {

   * The name of the GET param that holds the authentication code
   * @var string
  const RESPONSE_CODE_PARAM = 'code';

   * @var $format API format to use: can be json or xml
  protected $format = 'json';

   * @var $source the drupagram api 'source'
  protected $source = 'drupal';

   * @var $username Instagram username to use for authenticated requests
  protected $username;

   * @var $password Instagram password to use for authenticated requests
  protected $password;

   * JSON encoded OAuth token
   * @var string
  protected $oauth_token = NULL;

   * Decoded plain access token
   * @var string
  protected $access_token = NULL;

   * OAuth user object
   * @var object
  protected $current_user = NULL;
  protected $endpoints = array(
    'authorize' => 'oauth/authorize/?client_id=!client_id&redirect_uri=!redirect_uri&response_type=!response_type',
    'access_token' => 'oauth/access_token',
    'user' => 'v1/users/!user_id/?access_token=!access_token',
    'user_feed' => 'v1/users/self/feed?access_token=!access_token&min_id=!min_id&max_id=!max_id&count=!count',
    'user_recent' => 'v1/users/!user_id/media/recent/?access_token=!access_token&max_id=!max_id&min_id=!min_id&max_timestamp=!max_timestamp&min_timestamp=!min_timestamp',
    'user_search' => 'v1/users/search?q=!q&access_token=!access_token',
    'user_follows' => 'v1/users/!user_id/follows?access_token=!access_token',
    'user_followed_by' => 'v1/users/!user_id/followed-by?access_token=!access_token',
    'user_requested_by' => 'v1/users/self/requested-by?access_token=!access_token',
    'user_relationship' => 'v1/users/!user_id/relationship?access_token=!access_token',
    'user_liked' => 'v1/users/self/media/liked?access_token=!access_token&max_like_id=!max_like_id&count=!count',
    'modify_user_relationship' => 'v1/users/!user_id/relationship?action=%s&access_token=!access_token',
    'media' => 'v1/media/!user_id?access_token=!access_token',
    'media_search' => 'v1/media/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&max_timestamp=%d&min_timestamp=%d&distance=%d&access_token=!access_token',
    'media_popular' => 'v1/media/popular?access_token=!access_token',
    'media_comments' => 'v1/media/%d/comments?access_token=!access_token',
    'post_media_comment' => 'v1/media/%d/comments?access_token=!access_token',
    'delete_media_comment' => 'v1/media/%d/comments?comment_id=%d&access_token=!access_token',
    'likes' => 'v1/media/%d/likes?access_token=!access_token',
    'post_like' => 'v1/media/%d/likes',
    'remove_like' => 'v1/media/%d/likes?access_token=!access_token',
    'tags' => 'v1/tags/%s?access_token=!access_token',
    'tags_recent' => 'v1/tags/%s/media/recent?max_id=%d&min_id=%d&access_token=!access_token',
    'tags_search' => 'v1/tags/search?q=%s&access_token=!access_token',
    'locations' => 'v1/locations/%d?access_token=!access_token',
    'locations_recent' => 'v1/locations/%d/media/recent/?max_id=%d&min_id=%d&max_timestamp=%d&min_timestamp=%d&access_token=!access_token',
    'locations_search' => 'v1/locations/search?lat=%s&lng=%s&foursquare_id=%d&distance=%d&access_token=!access_token',
    'geographies' => 'v1/geographies/%d/media/recent?access_token=!access_token',

   * Constructor for the Instagram class
  public function __construct($username = NULL, $access_token = NULL) {
    if (!empty($username) && !empty($access_token)) {
        ->set_auth($username, $access_token);

   * Set the username and password
  public function set_auth($username, $access_token) {
    $this->username = $username;
    $this->access_token = $access_token;

   * Get an array of Instagram objects from an API endpoint
  protected function fetch($key, $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    $results = array();
    if (array_key_exists($key, $this->endpoints)) {
      $path = $this->endpoints[$key];
    else {
      watchdog('drupagram', 'Endpoint key not found: !key', array(
        '!key' => $key,
      return FALSE;
    $response = $this
      ->call($path, $params, 'GET', $use_auth);

    // Determine the right class to use when returning the results for this key
    switch ($key) {
      case 'user':
      case 'user_search':
      case 'user_follows':
      case 'user_followed_by':
        $class = 'InstagramUser';
        $class = 'InstagramMedia';
    if (isset($response) && is_array($response)) {
      $response = array_filter($response);

    // Check on successfull call
    if (!empty($response)) {
      foreach ($response as $key => $item) {
        if ($key != 'data') {
        elseif (!empty($item) && isset($item[0])) {
          foreach ($item as $object) {
            $results[] = new $class($object);
        else {
          $results[] = new $class($item);

    // Call might return FALSE , e.g. on failed authentication but an exection
    // will be raised, no need for us to do anything special here.
    return $results;

   * Fetch a user's feed
  public function user_feed($id = 'self', $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    $params['!user_id'] = $id;
    $params['!count'] = 10;
    $result = $this
      ->fetch('user_feed', $params, $use_auth);
    return $result;

   * Get basic information about a user.
  public function user_info($id = 'self', $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    if (is_numeric($id) || $id == 'self') {
      $params['!user_id'] = $id;
    elseif (is_string($id)) {
      return $this
    $result = $this
      ->fetch('user', $params, $use_auth);
    return $result;
  public function user_lookup($username, $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    $params['!q'] = $username;
    $result = $this
      ->fetch('user_search', $params, $use_auth);
    return $result;

   * See the authenticated user's feed.
   * GET /users/self/feed
   * access_token	A valid access token.
   * max_id	Return media earlier than this max_id
   * min_id	Return media later than this min_id
   * count	Count of media to return
   * @example
  public function self_feed($params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    return $this
      ->fetch('user_feed', $params, $use_auth);

   * Get the most recent media published by a user.
   * GET /users/{user-id}/media/recent
   * access_token	A valid access token.
   * max_id	Return media earlier than this max_id
   * min_id	Return media later than this min_id
   * count	Count of media to return
   * min_timestamp	Return media after this UNIX timestamp
   * max_timestamp	Return media before this UNIX timestamp
   * @example:
  public function user_recent($id = NULL, $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    if (empty($id)) {
      $params['!user_id'] = 'self';
    elseif (is_numeric($id)) {
      $params['!user_id'] = $id;
    elseif ($accounts = $this
      ->user_lookup($id)) {
      $params['!user_id'] = $accounts[0]->id;
    $params['count'] = 10;

    // @TODO: Implement a way to remember each user's last image id so we can
    // just fetch the images older than that one, hopefully saving requests.
    return $this
      ->fetch('user_recent', $params, $use_auth);

   * See the authenticated user's list of media they've liked. Note that this
   * list is ordered by the order in which the user liked the media. Private
   * media is returned as long as the authenticated user has permission to view
   * that media. Liked media lists are only available for the currently
   * authenticated user.
   * GET /users/self/media/liked
   * access_token	A valid access token.
   * max_like_id	Return media liked before this id
   * count	Count of media to return
  public function self_liked($params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    $params['user-id'] = 'self';
    return $this
      ->fetch('user_liked', $params, $use_auth);

   * Search for a user by name.
   * GET /users/search
   * q	A query string.
   * count	Number of users to return
   * @example:
  public function user_search($q, $params = array(), $use_auth = TRUE) {
    $params['!q'] = $q;
    return $this
      ->fetch('user_search', $params, $use_auth);

   * Method for calling any drupagram api resource
  public function call($path, $params = array(), $method = 'GET', $use_auth = FALSE) {
    $url = $this
      ->create_url($path, '');
    try {
      if ($use_auth) {
        $response = $this
          ->auth_request($url, $params, $method);
      else {
        $response = $this
          ->request($url, $params, $method);
    } catch (InstagramException $e) {
      watchdog('drupagram', '!message', array(
        '!message' => $e
      return FALSE;
    if (!$response) {
      return FALSE;
    return $this

   * Perform an authentication required request.
  protected function auth_request($path, $params = array(), $method = 'GET') {
    $params['!access_token'] = $this->access_token;
    return $this
      ->request($path, $params, $method, TRUE);

   * Perform a request
   * @param string $url
   * @param array $params
   * @param string $method. Can be one of: GET, POST, DELETE or PUT.
   * @param bool $use_auth
   * @return type
  protected function request($url, $params = array(), $method = 'GET', $use_auth = FALSE, $headers = array()) {

    // @TODO: GET requests could potentially be cached.
    $data = '';
    if (!is_array($params)) {
      $params = (array) $params;
    if (count($params) > 0) {
      if ($method == 'GET') {
        if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
          $url = format_string($url, $params);
        $url = preg_replace('/&?[a-z_]*=![a-z_]*/', '', $url, -1);
      else {
        $data = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
    if (!is_array($headers)) {
      $headers = (array) $headers;

    // @TODO: implement headers when $use_auth == TRUE
    $response = drupal_http_request($url, array(
      'headers' => $headers,
      'method' => $method,
      'data' => $data,
    if (!isset($response->error)) {
      return $response->data;
    else {
      throw new InstagramException($response->error);
  protected function parse_response($response, $format = NULL) {
    if (empty($format)) {
      $format = $this->format;
    switch ($format) {
      case 'json':

        // - json_decode large integer issue
        // $length = strlen(PHP_INT_MAX);
        // $response = preg_replace('/"(id|in_reply_to_status_id)":(\d{' . $length . ',})/', '"\1":"\2"', $response);
        return json_decode($response, TRUE);
  protected function create_url($path, $format = NULL) {
    if (is_null($format)) {
      $format = $this->format;
    $conf = InstagramConf::instance();
    $url = $conf
      ->get('apibase') . '/' . $path;
    if (!empty($format)) {
      $url .= '.' . $this->format;
    return $url;


 * A class to provide OAuth enabled access to the Instagram API
class InstagramOAuth extends Instagram {
  protected $client_id;
  protected $client_secret;
  protected $redirect_uri;
  protected $token;
  protected $access_token = NULL;
  protected $auth_user = array();

   * Constructor for the InstagramOAuth class
  public function __construct($client_id = NULL, $client_secret = NULL, $redirect_uri = NULL, $access_token = NULL) {
    if (empty($client_id) || empty($client_secret)) {
      throw new InstagramException(t('You need to configure your Client ID and/or Client Secret keys.'));
    $this->client_id = $client_id;
    $this->client_secret = $client_secret;
    if (isset($redirect_uri)) {
      $this->redirect_uri = $redirect_uri;
    if (isset($access_token)) {
      $this->access_token = $access_token;

   * Requests token. Not implemented with Instagram yet.
  public function get_request_token() {
    $url = $this
      ->create_url('oauth/request_token', '');
    try {
      $response = $this
    } catch (InstagramException $e) {
    parse_str($response, $token);
    $this->token = $token;
    $this->access_token = $token['access_token'];
    $this->auth_user = new InstagramUser($token['user']);
    return $token;

   * Returns the properly formatted authorization url.
   * @param string $redirect_uri. URI to redirect the user to after authorization
   * @param array $scope. Items can be: 'basic', 'comments', 'relationships' and 'likes'
   * @param string $response_type. Currently only 'code' is supported
   * @return string. Propertly formatted authorization url.
  public function get_authorize_url($redirect_uri = NULL, $scope = array(
  ), $response_type = 'code') {
    $url = $this
      ->create_url('oauth/authorize', '');
    $url .= '?client_id=' . $this->client_id;
    $url .= '&response_type=' . $response_type;
    if (isset($redirect_uri)) {
      $url .= '&redirect_uri=' . $redirect_uri;
    if (isset($scope)) {
      $url .= '&scope=' . implode('+', $scope);
    return $url;

   * Returns the properly formatted authentication url
  public function get_authenticate_url() {
    $url = $this
      ->create_url('oauth/authenticate', '');
    if (!empty($this->token)) {
      $url .= '?access_token=' . $this->token['access_token'];
    return $url;

   * Retrieves the access token.
   * @param string $code
   * @param string $redirect_uri
   * @param string $grant_type
   * @return type
  public function get_access_token($code, $redirect_uri, $grant_type = 'authorization_code') {
    if ($this->access_token !== NULL) {
      return $this->access_token;
    $url = $this
      ->create_url('oauth/access_token', '');
    $params = array(
      'client_id' => $this->client_id,
      'client_secret' => $this->client_secret,
      'grant_type' => $grant_type,
      'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri,
      'code' => $code,
    try {
      $headers = array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      $response = $this
        ->auth_request($url, $params, 'POST', FALSE, $headers);
    } catch (InstagramException $e) {
      watchdog('drupagram OAuth', '!message', array(
        '!message' => $e
      return FALSE;
    $token = json_decode($response, TRUE);
    $this->token = $token;
    $this->access_token = $token['access_token'];
    $token['user']['oauth_token'] = $token['access_token'];
    $this->auth_user = new InstagramUser($token['user']);
    return $token;
  public function auth_request($url, $params = array(), $method = 'POST', $use_auth = TRUE, $headers = array()) {
    return $this
      ->request($url, $params, $method, $use_auth, $headers);


 * Instagram search is not used in this module yet
class InstagramSearch extends Instagram {
  public function search($params = array()) {


 * Class for containing an individual Instagram posts.
class InstagramMedia {
  public $id;
  public $user;
  public $type;
  public $images;
  public $location;
  public $comments;
  public $caption;
  public $link;
  public $likes;
  public $filter;
  public $created_time;

   * Constructor for InstagramMedia
  public function __construct($values = array()) {

    // Filter out null and empty values
    $values = array_filter($values);

    // Turn values into object attributes
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
      switch ($key) {
        case 'user':
          $this->user = new InstagramUser($values['user']);

        // case 'caption':
        // $this->caption = $values['caption']['text'];
        // break;
          $this->{$key} = $value;


 * Class for containing an individual Instagram user.
class InstagramUser {

  // Public attributes
  public $id;
  public $username;
  public $first_name;
  public $last_name;
  public $full_name;
  public $profile_picture;
  public $bio;
  public $website;
  public $media_count;
  public $follows_count;
  public $followed_by_count;
  public $follows;
  public $followed_by;
  public $url;

  // Special attributes for the authenticated users
  protected $password;
  protected $oauth_token;
  protected $oauth_token_secret;

   * Constructor for InstagramUser
  public function __construct($values = array()) {
    if (!isset($values) || empty($values)) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!is_array($values)) {
      $values = (array) $values;

    // Filter out null and empty values
    $values = array_filter($values);

    // Turn values into user object attributes
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
      switch ($key) {
        case 'counts':
          if (is_array($values['counts']) && !empty($values['counts'])) {
            $this->media_count = isset($values['counts']['media']) ? (int) $values['counts']['media'] : 0;
            $this->follows_count = isset($values['counts']['follows']) ? (int) $values['counts']['follows'] : 0;
            $this->followed_by_count = isset($values['counts']['followed_by']) ? (int) $values['counts']['followed_by'] : 0;
          $this->{$key} = $value;
  public function get_auth() {
    return array(
      'password' => $this->password,
      'oauth_token' => $this->oauth_token,
      'oauth_token_secret' => $this->oauth_token_secret,
  public function set_auth($values) {
    $this->oauth_token = isset($values['oauth_token']) ? $values['oauth_token'] : NULL;
    $this->oauth_token_secret = isset($values['oauth_token_secret']) ? $values['oauth_token_secret'] : NULL;



Namesort descending Description
Instagram Primary Instagram API implementation class Supports the full REST API for drupagram.
InstagramConf Class InstagramConf
InstagramException Exception handling class.
InstagramMedia Class for containing an individual Instagram posts.
InstagramOAuth A class to provide OAuth enabled access to the Instagram API
InstagramSearch Instagram search is not used in this module yet
InstagramUser Class for containing an individual Instagram user.