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20 calls to drd_server_result() in Drupal Remote Dashboard Server 7.2

drd_server_config_domain_read in ./drd_server.module
Callback to retrieve a (sub-)form for Domain configuration.
drd_server_config_save in ./drd_server.module
Callback to save form values, either for Core or Domain.
drd_server_config_server_read in ./drd_server.module
Callback to retrieve a (sub-)form for Core configuration.
drd_server_domain_flush_cache in ./
DRD Server Action to flush all caches from the current domain.
drd_server_domain_info in ./
DRD Server Action to retrieve all kind of information from the current domain.
drd_server_domain_list_updates in ./
DRD Server Action to determine all available updates for the current domain.
drd_server_domain_php in ./
drd_server_domain_reset_user1 in ./
Define name and password for the special user 1.
drd_server_domain_run_cron in ./
DRD Server Action to run cron on the current domain.
drd_server_domain_run_update in ./
DRD Server Action to run update.php on the current domain.
drd_server_domain_switch_maintenance in ./
DRD Server Action to switch maintenance mode on/off on the current domain.
drd_server_domain_update_translation in ./
DRD Server Action to update all translations on the current domain.
drd_server_execute in ./drd_server.module
This is called to execute one of the actions that are defined on one of the hook_drd_server_actions().
drd_server_heartbeat in ./drd_server.module
Callback to retrieve lots of current runtime data form the domain.
drd_server_key in ./drd_server.module
This is called to update the excryption keys for this server and all it's domains hosted in the same Drupal installation.
drd_server_render_blocks in ./drd_server.module
drd_server_server_domains in ./
DRD Action to find out all domains on this Drupal installation.
drd_server_server_php_error_log in ./
DRD Action to retrieve the PHP error log from the OS.
drd_server_status in ./drd_server.module
Callback to retrieve current status of the domain.
drd_server_svn_config_read in ./drd_server_svn.module
Extra parameter: $options