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8 string references to 'drd_agent.settings' in DRD Agent 8.3

Agent::__construct in src/Controller/Agent.php
Agent constructor.
Base::getCryptInstance in src/Agent/Action/Base.php
Get authorised Crypt object or FALSE if none is available.
Base::ott in src/Agent/Action/Base.php
Validate a one-time-token.
Base::validateUuid in src/Agent/Auth/Base.php
Verify if the given UUID is authorised to access this site.
Settings::buildForm in src/Form/Settings.php
Form constructor.
Settings::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/Settings.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
Settings::submitForm in src/Form/Settings.php
Form submission handler.
Setup::execute in src/Setup.php
Perform the configuration with the data from the token.