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function Drafty::publishRevision in Drafty 7

Publish a revision.


$type: The entity type.

$vid: The entity version ID.

Return value

The newly published revision.

1 call to Drafty::publishRevision()
Drafty::restorePublishedRevisions in ./drafty.module
Publish revisions previously set with setRevisionToBePublished().


./drafty.module, line 273
Hook implementations and API functions for the Drafty module.


Handles tracking, selecting and publishing revisions.


function publishRevision($type, $id, $vid) {

  // Title module assumes that the current content language is used when
  // saving an entity. This is OK for the new draft revision, but it does not
  // work when publishing a revision. Therefore, ensure that
  // title_active_language() reflects the original language of the entity.
  // Without this, title may overwrite {$title}_field in the original language
  // with the contents of the legacy field.
  // @todo: this might not be necessary after one or both of these patches
  // lands:
  if (module_exists('title')) {
    $entity = entity_load_single($type, $id);
    $langcode = entity_language($type, $entity);
  $revision = entity_revision_load($type, $vid);

  // Publishing a revision sometimes happens within hook_entity_update(). When
  // we do that, set $entity->original to the entity we're in the process of
  // saving. i.e. the draft we're in the process of creating and need to
  // replace with the published version again.
  $revision->is_draft_revision = FALSE;
  return $this
    ->saveRevisionAsNew($type, $revision);