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README.txt in Domain Access Entity 8

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  1. 7 README.txt
1) Overview

This module provide a solution to add Domain Access on entity.

You can use this module to restrict access for entity as you do with node.

You can choose for each bundle the assignation behavior you want to use :

    - Affiliate automatically created entity to a value 
	(no widget on entity creation form, auto-assignation)
    - User choose affiliate, with a default value 
	(form widget on the entity creation form)

The access rule is basic for front end user (without specific permission):

    entity data is only accessible on the domain(s) it's assigned to.
    This is the default behavior for user in administration and front office.

For administration / administrator:

    Site contributors, with specific permission can access and/or edit content
	of multiple domain.
    The user need to be assigned to the domain he can edit (in user/*/edit)
    And need the permission "access entities affiliate on assigned domains"
    With domain views, You can create list of entities and expose the domain
	field, to filter entities by domain.

To use this module with views, you need to disable sql rewriting on some views.
(open your views -> go in advanced settings pane -> query settings), 
if you don't want to disable sql rewriting, you can add manually a view filter
on the field that hold the domain(s) entity.

For administration views you can expose to Editors 
the filter of the domain field of your entity

2) Features

- Enable Domain Access on entities
- UI for enabling domain access on entity type, 
  and batch update of existing entities
- views integration

3) Requirements

- Domain Access

  Extra requirements:
- To expose domain filter in views: domain views

5) Setup

- Enable domain_entity
- setup at least one domain..
- Access to admin/structure/domain/entities
- Use the forms to enable domain on entity types, you can choose 
  the behavior widget used for each bundle 
  (existing content of your website will be assigned 
   to the default bundle domain value)
- After you activate domain access, all entity will be filtered 
  by domain, if you migrate entities without assign it 
  to at least one domain, these entities became inaccessible.
- For site administrator roles that you want to allow to see 
  multiple domain entities on one domain (only in administration path):

    - Create a user
    - Add a role to the user with the permission 
	  "access entities affiliate on assigned domains"
    - Assign the user to the domain(s) he can access 
	  ("Affiliate editor options" in admin/people)


View source
  1. 1) Overview
  2. This module provide a solution to add Domain Access on entity.
  3. You can use this module to restrict access for entity as you do with node.
  4. You can choose for each bundle the assignation behavior you want to use :
  5. - Affiliate automatically created entity to a value
  6. (no widget on entity creation form, auto-assignation)
  7. - User choose affiliate, with a default value
  8. (form widget on the entity creation form)
  9. The access rule is basic for front end user (without specific permission):
  10. entity data is only accessible on the domain(s) it's assigned to.
  11. This is the default behavior for user in administration and front office.
  12. For administration / administrator:
  13. Site contributors, with specific permission can access and/or edit content
  14. of multiple domain.
  15. The user need to be assigned to the domain he can edit (in user/*/edit)
  16. And need the permission "access entities affiliate on assigned domains"
  17. With domain views, You can create list of entities and expose the domain
  18. field, to filter entities by domain.
  19. To use this module with views, you need to disable sql rewriting on some views.
  20. (open your views -> go in advanced settings pane -> query settings),
  21. if you don't want to disable sql rewriting, you can add manually a view filter
  22. on the field that hold the domain(s) entity.
  23. For administration views you can expose to Editors
  24. the filter of the domain field of your entity
  25. 2) Features
  26. - Enable Domain Access on entities
  27. - UI for enabling domain access on entity type,
  28. and batch update of existing entities
  29. - views integration
  30. 3) Requirements
  31. - Domain Access
  32. Extra requirements:
  33. - To expose domain filter in views: domain views
  34. 5) Setup
  35. - Enable domain_entity
  36. - setup at least one domain..
  37. - Access to admin/structure/domain/entities
  38. - Use the forms to enable domain on entity types, you can choose
  39. the behavior widget used for each bundle
  40. (existing content of your website will be assigned
  41. to the default bundle domain value)
  42. - After you activate domain access, all entity will be filtered
  43. by domain, if you migrate entities without assign it
  44. to at least one domain, these entities became inaccessible.
  45. - For site administrator roles that you want to allow to see
  46. multiple domain entities on one domain (only in administration path):
  47. - Create a user
  48. - Add a role to the user with the permission
  49. "access entities affiliate on assigned domains"
  50. - Assign the user to the domain(s) he can access
  51. ("Affiliate editor options" in admin/people)